GFW Impact Wrestling Review; Results and Analysis for September 7

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Taryn Terrell and Sienna vs Gail Kim and Allie

Result:  Sienna and Terrell def. Kim and Allie via pinfall

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This is Taryn Terrell’s first match back since she announced her retirement over a year ago while in her prime.  Gail Kim takes the fight right to Sienna at the beginning of this match.  Sienna turns up the aggression showing her power and Terrell wants in.  They begin to cut off the ring for Gail Kim which is opposite of what you would think would be the strategy.

Whenever Kim is close to making a tag, Sienna makes sure she can’t make it.  After a key reversal, Allie gets into the match and catches Sienna off guard.  She goes for a splash but KM gets involved and is ran off by Braxton Sutter.  Sienna roles through the splash and uses the tights to get the win.

After the match, Sienna and Terrell continue their attack on Kim and Allie.  Rosemary comes out to help but is taken out by the number’s.  In comes Taya Valkyrie to put a stop the attack, a literal halt.but then she attacks Rosemary.  Taya Valkyrie has drawn a line in the sand with her actions in her debut.

Jim Cornette Addresses the Impact Zone

Jim Cornette addresses the state of GFW as he reminds the Impact fans that there will be a championship match tonight.  He claims that this may be the night that Eli Drake cracks but is interrupted by Johnny Impact.  Cornette is shocked but asks Impact what’s on his mind.  Impact just wants to remind everyone that he is worthy of the GFW Global Championship.  He wants the winner of the main event of this match.  As Cornette is about to make the announcement, LAX’s music hits and Low Ki is not happy.

Konnan doesn’t agree with this title situation and feels that Low Ki is being overlooked.  Ki feels that he earned his shot unlike Johnny Impact and he wants to make it clear where he is.  Impact and Low Ki brawl in the middle of the ring as security comes in to try and break it up.  Afterwards, Cornette announces that next week, there will be a number one contender’s match between Low Ki and Johnny Impact.