WWE Survivor Series 2017: Will We See Team Shane vs. Team KO?


Will we see Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens wage war once more at WWE Survivor Series 2017 after the Hell in a Cell PPV?

As we saw this week on SmackDown Live, creative is steadily building towards Hell in a Cell PPV. Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon both added further fuel to their feud by way of their respective promos. This feud has surpassed expectations and has given KO the spot light he deserves. The only thing left would be to have Owens come out of the cell as the eventual winner.

However, something occurred to me the other day while watching Dolph Ziggler’s promo from last night. Apparently, Owens is not the only one upset with the way the WWE is being run. He is not the only one who is not delighted to have another McMahon running WWE SmackDown Live. That got me thinking. What if there is a match on the works here? As we know, Survivor Series is still a good two months away. That would give us ample time to build towards a traditional WWE Survivor Series 2017 match for SmackDown.

Imagine a scenario where Team Shane O’Mac takes on Team KO? Throw in some added stakes like ownership of SmackDown Live. In a way this would be much similar to the Team Cena vs Team Authority which was much better than it should have been. However, unlike the happy ending that former brought, this match should end with WWE SmackDown Live truly becoming the Kevin Owens show.

The cards just align on their own in this story. After getting defeated, humbled and humiliated by Owens inside Hell in a Cell, Shane would want one more shot at retribution. Instead, Owens, being the cunning heel he is, adds some more stakes to the match. If he wins again, then Shane McMahon would have to leave the blue brand for good. Sensing the potential dastardly consequences of this match, someone like Vince could eventually turn this into a traditional Survivor Series elimination match.

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We already have Owens and potentially Ziggler upset with the management. Throw in Baron Corbin to the mix, for already having beef with the management. Rusev would make a fun addition to any heel team.

Finally, have someone like Jinder Mahal, who coincidentally lost the WWE title due to some sort of surprise match by Daniel Bryan perhaps. You have a team of five ideal heels on SmackDown Live who has issues with the management. Creative can even have someone Aiden English in there instead of Mahal as well.

Representing the babyfaces, Shane would already be in the match. He could seek the assistance of AJ Styles, who could probably play the role of the heroic babyface, much like Shawn Michaels during Team Austin vs. Team Bischoff.

Ideally, I would add Sami Zayn to this team as well, considering he is the best babyface out there and his issues with KO. The fourth member of the team would be Tye Dillinger. The spot is much deserving for Dillinger, who has been red-hot with the fans, whenever he makes an appearance.

Finally, the fifth member of the team would be Randy Orton. Orton would be to Shane as what Big Show was to Cena. The trust-worthy member of the team, who turned on his team mates mid way through the match. That would allow the heels to take control of the match from that point and eventually win. In addition, a heel turn would reinvigorate Orton’s character perhaps. He has been the blandest babyface on the entire roster at this moment.

Like I said, the cards really play out for this angle. In addition to having an excellent match on the card for Survivor Series, this would also allow stars like Sami Zayn and Dillinger to succeed. Above everything else, SmackDown Live with a heel authority figure on top would be a refreshing sight. Bonus points if Daniel Bryan stays as the GM but is forced to abide by Kevin Owens’ rules.

Next: WWE SmackDown Truly Is The Kevin Owens Show

What do you make of this scenario? Would you like to see this match play out this way? Who would make your heel and face teams? Do you think this would eventually happen? Do let us know in the comments.