WWE 2K18 Review: How Does This Year’s Game Stack Up?

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Universe Mode

So, you’ve realized you’re probably not getting in the ring at any point. But there’s nothing to stop you from being a promoter, right? It doesn’t matter what kind of physical condition you’re in, anyone can book a show given the attitude and money and drive and such.

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If that’s a dream of yours, you can try it out in WWE 2K18. In Universe mode, you have the power to assign superstars to different shows, choose who’s in a team, who’s in a rivalry, who’s allied with who, and who your champions are. You can create brand new shows – regular TV shows and pay per views – new championships, and new arenas.

Heck, you can choose who gets booed and cheered, you can change superstar ratings so a guy like Aiden English is your top star, and even change attire for all the superstars. Don’t like Finn Balor in all black? Make the gear he wore at No Mercy. I haven’t had the chance yet, but why not turn Gallows and Anderson into Tex Ferguson and Chadd 2 Badd?

The Universe mode has been panned in years past, and to be totally honest, a lot of it seems the same as last year. It’s incredibly time consuming to get everything set up (I want to actually have matches, you know?), and if you’re doing things as a total simulation you get ridiculous rivalries and pre-selected matches. To fix all that takes even more time. You’re probably better off writing things down on a sheet of paper and just simulating matches outside Universe mode.

Universe mode grade: C+