WWE: SmackDown: The Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn Story So Far


For the past couple of months, SmackDown has been all about Kevin Owens.  As one of the most dominant heels in WWE, Owens has a way of making you hate him, yet unable to stop watching him.

Kevin Owens really started to heat up just before Hell In A Cell.  His feud with Shane McMahon became so heated that even Vince McMahon made an appearance to finalize their match at Hell In A Cell.

During this interaction was where the infamous head butt took place.  Owens literally head butted the owner of the WWE, causing him to bleed from his forehead.  And if that wasn’t enough, Owens would go on to frog splash him from the top ropes.

The trust and confidence Vince has in Owens is outstanding.  Vince doesn’t do these types of things for just anyone.  The last time he really took someone on like that was probably, Stone Cold…and we all know how far he went.

At Hell In A Cell, Owens and Shane put on one hell of a match.  After big spots inside the cage, Shane was able to find bolt cutters to escape, allowing the two to climb the cage and brawl on top.

There was a point where Shane was lying on an announce table, and Owens had climbed to the top and was looking like he would jump.  The psychological game played between Owens and the audience was brilliant.

Everyone knows that Shane McMahon wouldn’t think twice about jumping off the top of that cage, but for Owens it was a different story.

Owens ended up climbing back down the cage, Shane got up and met him halfway, where they exchanged blows, and Shane tossed Owens through an announce table.

Knowing very well the WWE universe wanted that big jump, Shane placed Owens on the second announce table and climbed up.

Just when we thought it was the end for KO, a hooded hero came and saved him from the Leap of Faith.

Sami Zayn swerving the WWE universe and coming to Owen’s aid was probably one of the best moves the WWE has done in a long time.

Zayn came out on SmackDown claiming that he’s had enough of his unfair treatment and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Who better to team up with when becoming a heel, than the master himself, KO?

Credit: WWE.com

Since these two rekindled their friendship, I’d say 90% of the opening segments of SmackDown have involved them.

Zayn came out as this sarcastic, in-your-face-character, which he plays perfectly, while Owens just kept on doing what he does best – own the mic as a master heel and put on stellar performances in the ring.

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The pair made it very clear that they couldn’t care less about anyone else in the locker room.

Just before Survivor Series, during a match between them and The New Day, The Shield showed up as part of an invasion.

Surrounding the ring, five-on-three seemed like an easy win over The Shield.  Owens and Zayn instead dipped out of the ring and left The New Day to fend for themselves.

This act showed the locker room and management that these two didn’t care about anything or anyone but themselves.

This also didn’t get either wrestler selected for the Team SmackDown men’s team, as they were left off of the Survivor Series card.

Shortly before the PPV, they were booked to face Breezango during the kick off match, and they defeated them.

During the main event they attacked Shane McMahon, only adding fuel to the hatred Shane has for these two.

An obviously mad Shane McMahon came out on SmackDown to address the situation and was looking to fire the two.  Daniel Bryan quickly stepped in and set up a Lumberjack match against the New Day.

The odds were against Owens and Zayn, and this made it a large obstacle and an interesting win.  After the match the New Day would get their revenge and went on to attack Sami Zayn, while Owens left through the crowd.

This upcoming Sunday at Clash of Champions, Owens and Zayn will face Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura.  With one major stipulation, if they lose, then they’re fired.

These two getting back together has been probably the most entertaining part of SmackDown,  with Sami Zayn and his sarcastic dancing and Owens coming out and owning people on the mic.

Regardless of how you feel about these two, you can’t help but boo them all the while hanging onto every word they say.

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Boos and cheers are the same in wrestling; they mean the characters are doing their job and the fans are invested.

Their in ring performances are nothing short of amazing.  Whether they are wrestling as singles competitors or as a team, every match leaves you wanting more.