WWE Elimination Chamber 2018: 5 Mistakes WWE Made

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Credit: WWE.com

3) Woken Matt is Too Tame

While the Broken (or Woken in this case) Matt character is a welcome addition to WWE television, it seems that some of the elements that made the character work are missing in WWE. The feud with Bray had promise at first, as Matt was cutting his wacky promos and playing chess with a goldfish, but it did not take long for the character to get stuck in his feud with Bray. On Raw 25, Bray just beat him in an average match with little heat. Since then, the feud has just gone on and on with little direction. Meanwhile, Matt’s promos have descended into him simply laughing.

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The reason Broken Matt worked so well in TNA/Impact is because it had a series of characters and wacky situations that made it wonderful (I totally said this in a Broken Matt voice, by the way).

We got to see Matt cutting promos in his personal home theatre, go on outings to his personal zoo, where he would train with a kangaroo and view the spot monkeys.

He’d had Queen Rebecca and Maxel serenade him, and he would hand out green beans for Halloween. He’d teleport to different places with Vanguard1, and command Senior Benjamin to prepare the battlefield for war after having a premonition.

All of this is missing from the character now. He has been reduced to a crazy guy that laughs, rather than something that should be over the top and fun. This match had hints of it with Matt disappearing at the start (and locating under the ring). They could have had Bray go backstage and do a series of pretapes with a ton of shenanigans. It could have ended with Matt teleporting back under the ring and rolling out. It would have been simple, and it would have been a lot of fun.