WWE Raw: Biggest Losers; Brock Lesnar No-Shows, Looks Like Chump

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Titus Worldwide

A few weeks back, in one of my articles, I referenced former Major League Baseball pitcher Steve Howe. He was most famous for being banned from baseball for life – seven times. Howe is second most famous for being referenced in Naked Gun, where the filmmakers make light of the “Steve Howe Last Chance.”

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I don’t think the tag title match on Raw this week was a Steve Howe Last Chance. Titus Worldwide is (un)officially out of the running for the Raw Tag Team Championships.

It wasn’t a bad match – just very repetitive and reminiscent of the entire series of matches between Titus Worldwide and The Bar. The 2 out of 3 Falls stipulation injected a bit of life into the match in the early portion of the match. But even though it was something fresh, it didn’t really matter in the long run. The Bar won 2-0 – with Sheamus scoring the first pinfall almost immediately when the match started.

Apollo and Titus O’Neil just ran out of luck at the worst possible kayfabe time. A string of “lucky” victories got them their title matches, but they couldn’t convert. With WrestleMania fast approaching, it may be time for the duo to look towards the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Next: WWE WrestleMania 34: Predicting the Card

Who do you think is struggling after this week’s WWE Raw?