WWE WrestleMania 34: Brass Band Captures Local Flavor To Hype Event


As WWE WrestleMania 34 gets closer, there’s a group of New Orleans musicians helping to hype the event. That local flavor has been missing from the past few WrestleManias.

We’re less than a week away from WWE WrestleMania 34. After all the hype, the build, and the questions about how the card would shake out, it’s finally (almost) here. With the city of New Orleans hosting the event, WWE is already starting to establish its presence in The Big Easy.

This year, there’s a group of locals who are helping to inject a sort of local flavor into the proceedings. When you think of New Orleans, one of the things that usually comes to mind is a parade featuring a brass band. That’s where The Soul Rebels come in.

For the past week, WWE has been uploading videos to their social media accounts featuring The Soul Rebels in performance. These videos feature the band on parade throughout the streets of NOLA, playing their arrangements of different WWE Superstar theme songs. Up first was a guy with no official WrestleMania match just yet – John Cena.

Next up was a truly “glorious” arrangement of Glorious Domination, better known as the theme for former United States Champion Bobby Roode.

The parade continued with flair, as The Soul Rebels broke into Charlotte’s theme.

After being visited by New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu, the setlist continued by playing the game. With so many Triple H themes to choose from, there was no shortage of music.

Royal Rumble winner and WWE Championship challenger Shinsuke Nakamura was up next.

The parade concluded with one of the most obvious choices to be played by a brass band – Kurt Angle.

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As a music teacher and trumpet player who writes about wrestling on the side, this is a surefire way to get my attention. What’s even better is that it’s quintessentially a “New Orleans” thing – and local details have been somewhat absent from WrestleMania for the past few years. This is a great way to make the event feel like it’s unique to the area.

Look back to last year – what was distinctly Orlando-ish about WrestleMania 33? The set included a roller coaster because of the amusement parks, but there’s roller coasters all over the world. How about WrestleMania 32 in Dallas? Or the year before in Santa Clara/San Jose/San Francisco? You’d be hard pressed to come up with something as unique to the host city as a brass band in New Orleans.

And The Soul Rebels going on this “impromptu” parade through the city has brought a ton more eyes to their work. Considering they’ve appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert earlier this year, and performed with DMX, that’s no small feat. With any luck, there’s room on a 7+ hour event to find some time for a quick performance at WrestleMania. Even if they just play during the inevitable Kid Rock performance, they’ve more than earned it.

Next: 25 Greatest Entrance Themes in WWE History

What do you think of The Soul Rebels? Would you like to see them on WWE WrestleMania 34?