WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns, Universal Championship

Jack Clayton: It’s the match that we have known about for almost a year now, and we all know how it’s going to end. Roman Reigns is going to win the Universal Championship. For the first time, it looks like the WWE Universe is behind him winning. The past year has all but shown that Roman is incredibly talented. And if he keeps on the momentum he’s on right now, he will be a great champion. The two will definitely work together to make a great match. While this time last year everyone thought this match would suck, these two have proven us all wrong. Roman will without a doubt be a strong champion.

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Bryan Heaton: I just want my brother to give up on his ridiculous policy of changing the channel when Reigns is on TV. He needs to see just how good this match will be, and that Reigns absolutely deserves this victory.

Liam Hoofe: Roman wins – of course he does. I’m actually really pumped for this one, and thought that the two had excellent chemistry in the ring three years ago. If Lesnar is willing to work hard, and the fans aren’t just going to ruin the whole match by booing, this one could be a match of the night contender.

Christopher Jeter: We are on coronation number three for Reigns. I expect him to take a lot of suplexes. I expect him to kick out of the F-5. I expect him to hit a lot of Superman punches and spears. But everyone knows what’s happening here: Reigns pins Lesnar for the title and sends him packing (presumably), hoisting the title up while confetti and fireworks fires off in the background.

Trace Johnson: This match has been seemingly a foregone conclusion for months, but it should be a great match.  This might be the most obvious result of the night, but it will be great to see Reigns finally dethrone Lesnar and become Universal Champion.

Joe Soriano: It’s Roman Reigns. And if it isn’t, we’re all dumber for having witnessed Brock’s title reign.

Next: 25 Greatest WrestleMania Moments

What do you think will happen at WWE WrestleMania 34?