WWE Raw: Mojo Rawley is No Longer Hype, But Focused


Mojo Rawley has been dominating the competition on WWE Raw as of late. The former “Hype Bro” has found a way to stand out, and is likely set for his biggest feud yet with Bobby Roode.

When I’m watching WWE Raw these days, sometimes it’s tough to find the positives. I’ve literally been tuning in to the show for over 25 years. (Yes, I watched episode one in 1993, after convincing my parents to let me stay up late on a school night.) So I’ve seen a lot. A lot.

But today, one of the shining spots on Raw is Mojo Rawley. That… seems odd? On a roster boasting talent like Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, Sasha Banks, and so many more, how did Mojo Rawley get to be a must-watch part of the show?

To really see how far Mojo has come, you have to look at where he started. In 2013, Rawley debuted on NXT television. And he was… well, he was interesting. A former football player, Rawley seemed like every other past pigskinner to transition to pro wrestling. Besides wearing Zubaz trunks in competition, running tackles, a three point stance, and other football-related moves filled Mojo’s repertoire.

His character, too, was very “pro athlete” in nature. Remember, Mojo was a guy who didn’t get hype… HE STAAAAYED HYPE. Picture a toddler who dipped into the Halloween candy, and you get an idea of Mojo’s energy level. He was the epitome of chaos in motion, just going at full tilt at all times.

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As fun as it was to watch Mojo in his hype stage, to me it never seemed like he would go any farther than “funny character” if he maintained the course. Teaming up with Zack Ryder as the Hype Bros was the best thing that could happen to Mojo, mainly because at some point, the team would dissolve. That may sound strange, but look what’s happened with Rawley since.

The WWE Universe got a small taste of what a new and improved Rawley could be when Ryder went down with an injury in late 2016. Now a member of the SmackDown roster, Mojo went on a singles run, ditching the Zubaz and hyping up less. And wouldn’t you know, he won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 33 (with a little help from his real life bud — and fellow hype bro — Rob Gronkowski).

The success as a singles star led to friction within the Hype Bros when Ryder returned from injury, and you could see the writing on the wall — Mojo was done with Ryder. While teaming up had served its purpose and gotten Mojo up to the main roster, there was no need to continue the alliance. In late 2017, Rawley turned heel when he stomped on Ryder after one to many losses.

Since then, a switch over to WWE Raw after the Superstar Shake-Up has led to even more success and exposure for a much different Mojo Rawley. The first real taste came in May, when Mojo was the first superstar to answer Seth Rollins’s open challenge for the Intercontinental Championship. Admittedly, many fans probably felt let down when Mojo’s music hit.

But once the match finished, you couldn’t deny that Mojo had evolved into an actual wrestler. The football stuff was still there, but only a small part of what he did. And judging by what has followed, it’s pretty obvious that Rawley opened some eyes backstage, because since that match he’s been slowly featured more and more.

What ties it all together is something that, unfortunately, fans watching Raw don’t see. Mojo is a terrific promo, and he’s been on absolute fire both in the ring and on the mic. Why these promos are only available online and not put into a three hour show, I have no idea. Check out this one from the most recent episode of Raw, it’s amazing.

After annihilating No Way Jose and his entourage, as well as Tyler Breeze in recent weeks, Mojo seems to have a big match coming up with Bobby Roode. Even if Roode is floundering on Raw these days, it’s still the most high-profile program Mojo has had. Roode is a former United States Champion, and a victory for Mojo could lead to bigger things down the road.

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Has Mojo Rawley impressed you lately on WWE Raw? Are you excited to see him go against Bobby Roode?