WWE Raw: Results, Highlights, and Grades for July 30, 2018

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

The Riott Squad (Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan) vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley

Result: Sasha Banks & Bayley defeated The Riott Squad via pinfall

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

Matching gear. A new team name. Coordinated ring entrances. Tandem offense. Boy, they’re really trying to hammer home this “burying the hatchet and moving on” thing with Sasha and Bayley, huh?

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Look, I’m an admitted cynic and pessimist. The fact that I can find things to praise on an episode of WWE Raw amazes me sometimes, and requires a herculean effort in some cases. I don’t believe for a second that this reunion is a long-term thing. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: We’re too far down the break-up rabbit hole to just walk away anymore.

With Ruby Riott on the shelf with an injury, unfortunately Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan are the sacrificial lambs to make this story meaningful. It’s a nice change from watching them face Ember Moon every single week, but poor Liv and Sarah deserve better than being cannon fodder.

What’s really amazing to me is that the blind tags from both Sasha and Bayley were the no different than the ones from a few weeks ago when the two were at each other’s throats. But now, all of a sudden, those kinds of “glory hog” moments are all for the betterment of the team. No snide, catty fighting that “YOU TAGGED YOURSELF IN” like a few weeks ago. A little context changes everything, I guess.

Anyway, the tandem finisher — a backstabber into the Bayley-to-Belly — was pretty cool, and now the Women’s Tag Team Championships need to be introduced yesterday.

Aw, Heyman is Getting Fired By SOMEONE Tonight

Man, Brock really hates the idea of being at work and, you know, doing work. He’s like the poster child for slackers. But poor Paul Heyman got caught double dipping, so someone is cutting him loose tonight.