Impact Wrestling: Scarlett Bordeaux Is The Star Of The Show

Impact Wrestling has the dominant trio of Austin Aries, Moose, and Killer Kross taking over the main event of the show, but Scarlett Bordeaux is Impact’s real star on Thursday nights.

When Scarlett Bordeaux first debuted on Impact Wrestling as “The Smokeshow”, I was admittedly hesitant. It’s not because I doubted Bordeaux’s ability to be entertaining, but it was more about wondering how her character would proceed.

She called out backstage interviewer Alicia Atout for being a “five”, and this honestly made me nervous. Bordeaux’s character criticized “hot shaming” and seemed to be a positive influence on how to portray a woman as “sexy” in wrestling, but the “rating on a scale” diss of Atout did give me some pause.

Now more than a month after she debuted on Impact TV, I can safely say that Bordeaux has become the star of this show. No, she isn’t a champion, nor does she feature in the main event. But she did play a critical role in Fallah Bah and KM standing up to Austin Aries and his trio of douchebags, which led to Bah getting a shot at Aries’s Impact World Title in the show’s main event.

Bordeaux’s segments are probably the most funny, ridiculous segments in wrestling right now, and it’s the little things that make them truly special. Last night’s appearance with KM and Fallah Bah backstage was the perfect example.

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While KM was busy admonishing Fallah for taking one of Aries’s insults seriously before the world title match, we suddenly heard Bordeaux’s music and saw a huge cloud of smoke appear on the couch. KM and Fallah know exactly what’s coming…their favorite source of motivation!

Bordeaux is all sultry as per usual, and she says she’s so proud of Fallah and KM for standing up for themselves on her advice. She praises Fallah for being a big, strong man with a muscular chest, and says the only thing she likes more than that is a man with a title around his muscular waist.

I loved that, and I loved it because it was body positivity at its finest. Here was Bordeaux, a woman whose beauty is at the center of her character, putting over Fallah Bah physically, which stands in stark contrast to Aries’s “I’m fat-shaming and I don’t give a f**k” attitude towards Fallah earlier in the night.

In an era where fans go on Twitter to rant about how the suave Drake Maverick is “too short” or “looks like a child”, being body positive towards male wrestlers is a welcome site. It’s even more special that it came from Bordeaux, who has found quit the niche on Impact TV as a babyface and something of a savant for the often misguided and unconfident duo of KM and Fallah Bah.

Bordeaux’s ability to balance comedy with gravity isn’t lost on me, and it bodes well for her future in Impact Wrestling. She made me laugh like crazy when she “motivated” Fallah, but despite the outrageousness of her methods, the fact that she was able to get Fallah to focus on his title match speaks volumes about her influence on the characters on the show.

At this point, whenever Bordeaux comes on your screen, she’s must-see. And while I’m sure some fans will joke, “Well, just look at her, of course she’s must-watch”, the fact of the matter is that she’s become a highlight of the show for far more than her looks.

Her comedic timing, increased comfort with the role, subtle acting, and the smart portrayal of her nuanced character have allowed her to blossom as one of wrestling’s rising stars in 2018. Impact Wrestling knows what they have in Bordeaux, and this babyface role has done wonders for everyone involved in her segments.

So while this unofficial gig as KM and Fallah Bah’s motivator/tactician won’t last forever, it’s been one hell of a way to fall head-over-heels for wrestling’s next great strategist.