Trevor Lee: Everything You Need to Know About WWE’s New Recruit

Earlier this week, WWE’s latest class of signees arrived at the Performance Center. Among them being Trevor Lee. While he is best known for his work in Impact Wrestling, there is more to Trevor Lee than meets the eye.

Lately, WWE have been on a kick with signing talent from around the world and investing in building Performance Centers in global markets. Most recently, the company has found its latest acquisition in Trevor Lee.

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As someone who trained under both Matt and Jeff Hardy, Trevor Lee is perhaps most notable for his work in Impact Wrestling. There, where he was once managed by Shane “Hurricane” Helms, he is a 3-time X-Division Champion and at one time won the company’s World Tag Team Titles with WWE’s Curt Hawkins. Lee may also be recognized by some for winning titles in both PWG and AAW.

In both PWG and AAW, Lee would win Tag Team Championship gold with Andrew Everett. As a solo competitor, Lee won the AAW Heritage Championship. He also made a few waves as a singles star where he had a jaw dropping debut in a show stealing triple threat between himself, Everett and Cedric Alexander. His last PWG performance saw him tangle with Jeff Cobb in a classic PWG Championship match.

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However, there is much more to this WWE signee than audiences may expect from just looking at The Carolina Caveman.

Judging from his work in these aforementioned promotions, Lee would appear to be nothing more than a solid stagehand that would be well utilized in WWE’s undercard division. However, after looking at his work in an underseen promotion called the Carolina Wrestling Federation (or CWF Mid-Atlantic), we feel compelled to suggest that Lee has a future in WWE as a bona fide main event talent.

Still a relatively young promotion, CWF opened its doors back in 2000. CWF may not be old enough to drink a beer, but the promotion delivers classic old school booking in a modernized, fast-paced action style setting. Lee debuted for the company in 2009 after serving just two years in the business. In that time, he would become a Grand Slam Champion, winning every title that the company has to offer. Well, almost every title. There was one specific shiny big gold belt that alluded Lee for quite some time.

However, it would not be until February 27th, 2016 – a fateful day for the company and Lee’s career – that he would finally have his day in the sun. On this day, he would face CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Roy Wilkins in a No DQ, No Time Limit Title vs Career Match.

After wrestling Wilkins for 105 minutes, nearly two hours, The Carolina Caveman would capture the CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship for the first time in his career. Since then, nearly three whole years later, Lee is still the flag bearer of CWF Mid-Atlantic. As of this writing, his reign cracks in at 1,081 days and counting.

This marathon of a match would not be the last time that Trevor Lee would defend his championship in such long matches. Far from it, in fact, as Lee has regularly defended his title in matches that went to nearly an hour; some even exceeded an hour. Some critics have likened Trevor Lee’s CWF Heavyweight Title reign and his consistent performances to that of Ric Flair during his heyday as NWA Champion.

During this reign, in addition to having masterclasses with local talents like Arik Royal and Brad Attitude, the self-proclaimed Alpha of Omega had notable title defenses against international stars like Cedric Alexander, Michael Elgin and Abyss.

As if holding the company’s Heavyweight Championship for several years wasn’t a strong enough accomplishment in itself, Trevor Lee would become a double champion after winning the CWF Mid-Atlantic Television Champion and holding the title briefly during the second half of 2018.

Fast forward to 2019. It was in January at CWF’s New Year’s Knockout that after another successful title defense, Trevor Lee would announce that he’s signed a contract with WWE. However, he would also declare that he would not be leaving CWF until he loses his Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship.

With news of Lee starting at the Performance Center in February, fans of CWF expected Lee to wrap up with the company at the start of the month and lose his title at CWF Stronger in a Six Pack Challenge. Shockingly, when the event took place on Feb. 2, Lee would retain. However, judging that his next title defense – against the brand’s rising star Cain Justice – is set to take place next week – Feb. 16 – at an event called CWF End of an Era, it’s safe to say Lee’s days as CWF Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion are numbered.

With that said, fans should use the time prior to Trevor Lee’s onscreen WWE debut to catch up on some of his CWF matches to get well acquainted with the Carolina Caveman. With talent like his resting on his shoulders that he’s displayed in classic CWF matches, Trevor Lee has all the potential in the world to become WWE’s next breakout star.