WWE: Drew Gulak’s partnership with Daniel Bryan is a win for everyone

WWE, Drew Gulak Photo credit: WWE.com
WWE, Drew Gulak Photo credit: WWE.com /

Daniel Bryan has a knack for elevating those who work with him. Will Drew Gulak find success in this new partnership? Here’s why WWE’s new pairing is destined for greatness.

When WWE fans think about Daniel Bryan’s career, I’m sure the top moments that come to mind include his WrestleMania 30 performances and his entertaining tag team with Kane, among many other highlights. Since returning to the ring in 2018, Bryan has spent most of his time in the upper midcard or main event scene.

More recently, since losing a couple of Universal Championship matches against “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, Bryan has taken a step back from the title chase. Many assumed that Bryan would find himself in an Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania 36 if he wasn’t going to be in contention for the Universal Title again.

However, it seems there could be a different direction for the leader of the Yes Movement, one that could end up being another career highlight.

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Rather than battling SmackDown’s top heels again, Daniel Bryan was recently booked in matches against Heath Slater and Curtis Axel – two Superstars who have been absent from television for months. In the midst of those lower card matches, Bryan found himself crossing paths with former Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak, who has also struggled to find relevancy on the blue brand.

I predicted before Elimination Chamber that Bryan and Gulak would clash on pay-per-view before forming a partnership going into Mania. Ironically, I wasn’t that confident in that prediction, but I’m thrilled it’s coming to fruition.

As we saw during SmackDown from the Performance Center, Bryan asked Gulak to mentor him despite Bryan winning their highly-praised Elimination Chamber bout. Gulak then accompanied Bryan to the ring for his win over Cesaro before suffering an attack from Sami Zayn’s entourage.

It’s now clear that WWE has plans for them together, which is an absolute win for everyone involved. Why? Because everything Daniel Bryan touches turns to gold. A love triangle with AJ Lee and CM Punk – check. Team Hell No – check. A #SaveThePlanet partnership with Erick Rowan – check. Putting over Kofi Kingston at WrestleMania – check again.

Daniel Bryan is one of the few who can make just about anything work even though he wasn’t supposed to “make it” in this company at numerous times.

A partnership with Drew Gulak will serve wonders for both of their careers on SmackDown. Without this storyline, Gulak would probably continue to be booked aimlessly, or even not at all. We all know he’s more than an enhancement talent, and this will save him from falling further into obscurity.

Additionally, SmackDown could use fresh tag teams. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Miz & John Morrison outlasted the entire blue brand’s tag division (sans The Revival) at Elimination Chamber, leaving a lack of fresh competition going into the biggest show of the year. Bryan and Gulak could easily step up to the challenge if they don’t find themselves contending for the Intercontinental Title.

We’ve yet to see a babyface Drew Gulak in WWE, so this will be a great opportunity to explore what he can do as the hero, possibly even in a comedic role. There’s also great potential for Gulak  whenever this partnership is finished. After all, Erick Rowan found a solid amount of success on Raw after being separated from Bryan.

Suffice to say, if the former World Champion isn’t contending for the top titles, then he should continue elevating others while he’s still able to compete. Bryan plus Gulak equals entertainment in and out of the ring.

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What do you think of the budding partnership between Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak? Do you think they’ll find success together this year?