WWE is being reckless with Ric Flair’s health

WWE, Charlotte Flair, Ric Flair (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
WWE, Charlotte Flair, Ric Flair (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

WWE has had reportedly over 30 positive case of the novel coronavirus, but are still booking Ric Flair.

Last week as WWE RAW was in it’s closing segment, news began breaking that employees has tested positive for COVID-19. They have reportedly had at least thirty positive cases.

Around June 9th, a developmental talent at the Performance Center tested positive. This was on top of a positive case back in March of an unknown employee.

From the beginning, WWE has done a terrible job handling the pandemic. Even though WWE will supposedly start requiring wrestlers from the PC to wear masks when they are in the building, they’re still parading a senior citizen around.

Flair is 71 years old and had a heart procedure just over a year ago. He has also said that he has had congestive heart failure. This is not a man that should be out in public, let alone in a place where so many people have tested positive to a deadly virus.

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The “Nature Boy” has been used in pointless segments over the last few weeks. First, he was used to low-blow Christian in support of his former Evolution cohort, Randy Orton. Keep in mind that this is the segment that was airing when the COVID-19 news broke.

The following week, he stood behind Orton as he was confronted by Big Show. Last night, the legend stood at the top of the ramp while chiding Big Show and telling Zelina Vega to let her boys attack Show.

RAW can survive without a Flair being on TV. The show will go on and it will be fine. Flair isn’t exactly helping RAW pull in ratings. They’re using him as a crutch to prop up a weird feud between Show and Orton.

This company has repeatedly shown that they do not actually care about the health of any of their employees. The shows didn’t even need to happen and shouldn’t be continuing with the latest outbreak. WWE has an extensive library at their disposal. They could’ve been airing old matches and pay-per-views all along.

Since they’ve insisted on continuing with shows, they should’ve been testing this whole time. A temperature check and questionnaire doesn’t cut it. Not having an elevated temperature doesn’t mean that someone isn’t sick and they can be asymptomatic and still pass on the virus. A large outbreak was bound to happen by continuing to have shows, especially when they weren’t actually taking precautions.

On top of all of this, they are rumored to have fans return to the audience in the very near future. They’ll probably have them sign waivers absolving them of any damages like another Hall of Famer.

WWE has a duty to protect their talent and employees, especially a Hall of Famer like Flair. Of course Flair could say no, but WWE shouldn’t be giving him the option. He should be safe at home with his wife. Bringing him in shouldn’t even be an option.

Vince McMahon will risk an old man’s life for TV. Not even good TV. Of course, he’s not risking his own life, just everyone else’s.