WWE TLC 2020: How Roman Reigns became ‘The Tribal Chief’

Roman Reigns, WWE SmackDown (photo courtesy of WWE)
Roman Reigns, WWE SmackDown (photo courtesy of WWE) /

“The Big Dog’s yard” no more, this is “The Tribal Chief’s island” and nobody is taking it away from him, as we head into WWE TLC 2020.

When Roman Reigns made his shocking return at WWE SummerSlam, there was no way anybody could expect what was coming next. He arrived at SummerSlam with a new demeanor and wrecked everyone in sight. A month later, Roman Reigns showed that his new character would do whatever it meant to be at the very top.

Since his return, Roman has been producing his best work to date with Paul Heyman by his side. The feud between Roman and his cousin Jey Uso is possibly the best feud of both men’s careers. Roman has pushed out the best in himself and his cousin. Over the span of their feud, Roman truly began to shine in his new role.

Roman has proclaimed himself as the head of his family, claiming to be doing everything to get respect for his family’s name. However, anybody could tell you that he is only in this for himself. Roman is using his family’s name to engrave his in WWE history. He has stated that the family is relying on him, but is it truly the other way around?

For years, the WWE universe begged for Roman to finally turn and I believe I speak for most when I say this has been everything we wanted. As a heel, he still sees himself as a face. He believes that every move that has made has been justified.

In his role as “Tribal Chief,” we are finally hating Roman for the right reasons. Roman doesn’t see himself as a bad guy. If you asked Roman or Paul Heyman, they would say that everyone else is making Roman look like the bad guy. Roman believes he is protecting the legacy of his family. However, he is unaware of what he has truly become.

When Roman has been pushed to brutalize his enemies and allies alike, Roman verbally states they are the ones who are making him look like a monster. When restrained in his Hell In A Cell match with Jey, Roman asked what he was supposed to tell his kids.

Later, he showed a bit of humility when he broke down beside his other cousin Jimmy. However, it seems it was nothing more than a ploy. Roman said he loved Jimmy, but if he truly does he had a strange way of showing it. He proceeded to choke the life out of Jimmy in order for Jey to say “I Quit.” It showed that Roman was all about himself in the end.

Since falling in line, Jey Uso has been verbally abused by Roman. It seems that no matter what Jey does to try and please his cousin, nothing will ever be good enough. Roman continues to treat Jey like a whipping boy. He has beaten Jey just as badly as any challenger. Roman’s mind has become twisted. He sees himself as a hero like many villains before him.

While Jey has been the one to pick on, he still says he loves him. He may see it as tough love, but he is missing the love par. As for the rest of his family, it is safe to guess that Roman would treat everyone else the same way. There is no pleasing him and there has been no feeding his hunger. He hasn’t been satisfied by becoming Universal Champion.

Roman wants to conquer WWE once again. He will not be satisfied until he has conquered everything in his path. Not even Mr. McMahon should feel safe. It may come a time that the McMahon family name disrespects his family. As for Roman current dominance, it would be surprising to see Roman’s reign as champion end any time soon.

I expect to see Roman go onto TLC and defeat Kevin Owens in dominating fashion. This is a match that Roman needs to show that he is still the biggest dog in the yard. After he is finished with Kevin Owens, you could expect Daniel Bryan to come looking to get some revenge against Roman and his family at the Royal Rumble.

Roman’s championship reign was reported to have been short-lived. However, plans have seemed to change since Roman has been shining so brightly as champion. I wouldn’t doubt if Roman carries the Universal Championship into WrestleMania 37 and walks out still champion.

As for WrestleMania, I am, like many others, hoping for more of Roman’s family to get involved. An electrifying member to be exact. Roman states that everyone in the family was behind him backing him up. That might not be so true. For years, many fans have been dreaming of a match between Roman Reigns and his cousin, The Rock.

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They are two of the biggest names in WWE history and from the same powerful family. If Roman continues to call himself the head of the table, the arguable true head of the table might step up.