AEW Dynamite: Brody King Debuts, Sammy Guevara Retains

Sammy Guevara on the Nov. 6, 2019 edition of AEW Dynamite. Photo: Lee South/AEW
Sammy Guevara on the Nov. 6, 2019 edition of AEW Dynamite. Photo: Lee South/AEW /

AEW Dynamite comes from Raleigh, North Carolina tonight. Tonight’s show is headlined by four big matches. Powerhouse Hobbs takes on Dante Martin, Hikaru Shida takes on Serena Deeb, CM Punk takes on Wardlow, and in the main event, Sammy Guevara defends his Interim TNT Championship against Daniel Garcia.

To kick off the show, we hear from Adam Cole. Adam Cole makes his way out to the ring being accompanied by Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. Cole talks about how 2021 was a great year for the three of them, but that 2022 will be even better. Cole also points out that he’s undefeated in singles competition and that the boys are back together.

Cole says it’s a “new era in AEW.” The Young Bucks interrupt and say “thanks for the invite.” Kyle O’Reilly grabs the mic and tells the Bucks that they didn’t need their help beating The Best Friends. Matt Jackson says that AEW is their company and that their New Year’s Resolution is to get their tag team championships back.

Bobby Fish says that they have the same resolution and says nobody can stop them, and that includes the Young Bucks. Cole says that this is what makes them the best faction in AEW history. The Best Friends interrupt and they start brawling with Cole, the Bucks, and reDRagon. Cole low-blows Cassidy and goes for his finisher.

Kris Statlander stops that from happening which brings out Britt Baker who hits Statlander with the curb stomp. Baker then holds up Cassidy’s head for the superkick from Cole. This was followed by a boot to the back of Cassidy’s head by Cole. The segment ends with Baker and Cole kissing in the middle of the ring. A hype video is then shown of Wardlow’s recent warpath.

CM Punk vs Wardlow

MJF makes his way out first followed by Wardlow. CM Punk’s music then hits and he makes his way out to the ring. CM Punk goes to the outside of the ring to try and get MJF but Wardlow stands in front of him to protect him. The two men then get back into the ring and lock up in a collar-elbow tie-up.

CM Punk is able to put Wardlow in a headlock before Wardlow sends him into the ropes and levels him with a shoulder block. The two then lock up again and Wardlow is able to back Punk up into the corner, and Wardlow takes advantage from here, using his power and strength.

CM Punk tries to go for a GTS but Wardlow reverses and attempts a powerbomb, but Punk is able to get away and regroup on the outside. Wardlow dominates a good chunk of the remainder of the match. Every time Punk tries to mount a comeback, Wardlow is able to overpower him.

Wardlow goes for a powerbomb but Punk reverses hitting Wardlow with a roundhouse kick. CM Punk is finally able to get Wardlow off his feet by hitting him with a springboard clothesline. Punk then hits Wardlow with the running knee but Wardlow reverses into a powerbomb.

Wardlow then proceeds to hit Punk with the five more powerbombs. Wardlow goes for the pin but MJF gets involved and stops Wardlow. MJF tells Wardlow he wants more and he has to oblige. Wardlow then hits Punk with two more powerbombs, to bring the total to seven. Wardlow looks very annoyed though and is clearly not happy with MJF.

Punk rolls out of the ring and MJF forces Wardlow to powerbomb CM Punk through the table that is ringside. Wardlow gets back in the ring and Aubrey begins to count out CM Punk. Punk is somehow able to beat the count, at the count of nine. This causes MJF to flip out.

MJF tells Wardlow he pays him for a reason and to powerbomb him again. Wardlow lifts CM Punk off the mat and attempts to get him into a powerbomb position. However, Punk is able to use the inside cradle on Wardlow and pins him for the victory. Wardlow is livid.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, MJF gets in the ring and tells Wardlow he will never win the big match. He then pushes Wardlow and points in his chest. Wardlow grabs MJF’s hand and is about to hit him when Shawn Spears makes the save and separates the two. We once again get a tease of Wardlow turning face and finally turning on MJF.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Dante Martin

Powerhouse Hobbs makes his way out to the ring first being accompanied by Ricky Starks. Dante Martin comes out next and the two start brawling on the ramp making their way to the ring. Dante uses his speed and quickness to stay on top in the early going of the match. Hobbs is able to counter and hit Martin with a spine buster on the outside of the ring.

Hobbs is able to ground Dante Martin and take over the match. Every time Dante tries to get back in it, Hobbs stops him in his shoes. Hobbs throws Martin over the top rope and that leads to Ricky Starks hitting him on the outside of the ring as Hobbs distracts the ref. Hobbs continues beating up Martin inside the ring and completely stopping him from getting back into the match.

Martin is able to get back into the match using his quickness and evasiveness. Dante Martin hits a high-flying move onto Hobbs on the outside of the ring. The match has completely switched to be in Martin’s favor. However, Hobbs is able to stop that from happening and hits a big move on Martin.

Ricky Starks goes to get involved but Jay Lethal gets involved and takes out Ricky Starks. Dante Martin hits his finishing move onto Hobbs and pins him for the win.

Winner: Dante Martin

After the match, Chris Jericho is getting interviewed in the back. Jericho says it doesn’t surprise him that Inner Circle won faction of the year for PWI. Jericho says that they have Sammy’s back tonight. Eddie Kingston interferes in this interview and says that Jericho is the reason that Santana and Ortiz are not tag team champions yet.

This leads to Jericho and Kingston getting into it. Jericho says that he will be in Sammy’s corner tonight and if anyone gets involved he will kick their butt. MJF comes out with a mic and says that CM Punk got a fluke victory. He says that next week CM Punk is facing Shawn Spears next week on Dynamite.

Adam Cole is seen in a backstage segment with Baker, The Bucks, and reDRagon. Cole and Baker challenge Kris Statlander and Orange Cassidy to a mixed tag team match next Wednesday on AEW Dynamite.

Hangman Adam Page makes his way out to the ring. Page says these past two months he’s spent 90 minutes in the ring with one of the best in the world. Hangman says that the AEW World Championship is still his. Page says he needs a new challenger.

Dan Lambert interrupts. Lambert continues with his heel schtick. Lambert says he knows how good Page is. He also says he didn’t take Cody Rhodes path to get to the World Title. Lambert says to stop disrespecting the cowboy legacy, and Page has to change his gimmick.

Page invites Lambert to get in the ring. Lance Archer makes his return and Archer is about to hit Lambert but he turns heel and beats the hell out of Hangman Adam Page. Archer destroys Page with a steel chair and hits his finishing move on Page onto the chair. Lance Archer is back!

Tony Schiavone is seen interviewing Arn Anderson who’s with Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson. Tully interrupts them with FTR and Tully says Arn should join them. Dax Harwood challenges Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson to a tag team match next week on AEW Dynamite.

Hikaru Shida vs Serena Deeb

Shida makes her way out first but Serena Deeb attacks her from behind with a kendo stick. The two then fight outside the ring and on the entrance ramp. Deeb hits Shida’s knee into the steel steps outside the ring before the match even starts.

Shida makes her way into the ring but she is in a bad way. The ref finally rings the bell and Deeb takes the fight to Shida instantly. Shida is backed up in the corner and Deeb is attacking her leg. Deeb attacks Shida’s leg for the majority of the match. Deeb locks in her finishing and the referee calls to stop the match.

Winner: Serena Deeb

After the match, Deeb brings the kendo stick into the ring and continues to attack Shida’s leg. The bell rings over and over before two more officials come out to restrain Deeb. Tony Schiavone interviews Jurassic Express and Christian Cage after the match.

Jungle Boy says they want any top-five team, any time. They want a challenge. Johnny Silver and Alex Reynolds interrupt them and challenge Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus to a match on Friday at AEW Rampage.

Matt Hardy vs Penta El Zero Miedo

Matt Hardy grabs the mic and tells everyone that Penta’s downfall started a few weeks ago when his team of five lost to Hardy’s team of five. Matt Hardy then says he is going to delete Penta. Penta then makes his entrance into the ring.

The match starts out with Penta and Hardy hitting their taunts on each other. The crowd seemed very into this match, coming from Matt Hardy’s hometown. Penta hits Hardy in the stomach with a kick and the match is underway. It’s a pretty quick match. Penta backs Hardy up into the corner and starts hitting him, Hardy reverses and does the same thing.

Hardy and Penta fight on the outside of the ring and Hardy gets the upper hand here. Hardy throws Penta into the guard rail before throwing him back into the ring. Hardy remains in control for a good portion of the match. Penta is able to get back into the match and hit Hardy with his infamous backbreaker.

Matt Hardy is able to reverse Penta’s offense and him with a DDT. Hardy then goes for a superplex off the top rope but Penta is able to slide down and kick out the Ankle of Matt Hardy. Penta hits the stomp on Hardy for a near fall. Then, Matt Hardy hits the side effect onto Penta on the apron of the ring for a near fall.

Penta reverses a moonsault by Matt Hardy. Penta hits his finishing move on Matt Hardy and pins him for the win.

Winner: Penta El Zero Miedo

After the match, Penta says he will teach Malakai some respect. Black comes in the ring and brings the fight to Penta. Malakai Black rips the mask of Penta. The Varsity Blondes and Penta take the fight to Malakai. Malakai starts laughing.

The lights turn off and when they come back on, Brody King is standing in the ring. Brody takes out everyone in his debut for AEW. Malakai Black and Brody King are together in AEW. Tony Schiavone interviews Kris Statlander, Leyla Hirsch, Red Velvet, about their match on Rampage. Leyla Hirsch says that Kris should be paying attention to their match on Friday on Rampage.

The Acclaimed vs Bear Country

The Acclaimed make their entrance. Bear Country is already in the ring. The match starts off with everyone fighting in the ring. Bear Bronson starts out the match with Anthony Bowens. Bear Country makes a couple of quick tags to get the upper hand on Bowens. Bowens is able to tag in Caster.

Caster takes the fight to Bear Bronson and The Acclaimed suddenly have the upper hand. The Acclaimed is able to neutralize Bronson for the majority of the match. Bronson is able to fight back and get the hot tag on Boulder. Boulder takes out both members of The Acclaimed.

Boulder tags in Bronson for their finisher. Bowens makes the save and Bronson crashes and burns. Caster hits the mic drop on Bear Bronson and pins Bronson for the win.

Winner: The Acclaimed

After the match, Sting and Darby Allin come out and face off with The Acclaimed on the entrance ramp. Darby hits Caster with the skateboard, and Sting hits Bowens with a baseball bat. Sting hits the scorpion death drop on Max Caster in the ring. After that, we see a video package of Pac. Pac will be back soon.

Tony Schiavone is seen in the back interviewing Matt Hardy. Hardy says something has to change and Andrade interrupts and says that Hardy needs to focus. Andrade says that they should work together because they are both businessmen.

Interim TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia makes his way out to the ring first, followed by Sammy Guevara. The match starts with an aggressive collar-elbow tie-up between the two. Sammy then throws Daniel Garcia outside and hits a high-flying move on him.

When they return to the ring Garcia gains the upper hand and takes the fight to Guevara. Garcia knees Sammy in the back. Garcia targets the back of Guevara for the majority the match. Sammy fights back into the match and is able to send Garcia back outside the ring.

Guevara hits Garcia with 450 from the top rope out onto the floor and uses his high-flying moves to get back into the match. Garcia hits a lariate to the back of the head of Guevara and hits him with a back-suplex.

Garcia locks the scorpion death lock onto Sammy Guevara. Guevara is able to get to the bottom rope and force the rope break. Garcia charges Guevara while he’s in the corner, but Guevara moves and Garcia crashes and burns. Sammy Guevara hits a cross rhodes on Garcia, which Garcia kicks out of.

Garcia was able to counter a high-flying move from Sammy into a sleeper hold. Garcia hits the pile driver onto Sammy, which Sammy kicks out of. 2point0 arrives and take out Chris Jericho on the outside. 2point0 distract Guevara but he takes them both out.

Sammy Guevara then hits the GTH on Daniel Garcia to pin him and retain his Interim TNT Championship.

Winner: And Still Interim TNT Champion, Sammy Guevara

After the match, 2point0 attack Sammy from behind. Jericho comes in with the baseball bat to even the playing field. Eddie Kingston gets in the ring and fights with Chris Jericho. Dynamite ends with Jericho and Kingston getting in each others face.