Three other matches for Roman Reigns at SummerSlam rather than Brock Lesnar


Did you hear that sound? The moment Brock Lesnar’s music hit at SmackDown, which was the sound of collective groans and eye rolls as WWE once again goes back to this rivalry. As he and Roman Reigns are set to headline SummerSlam, this is a clear sign that WWE acknowledges their lacking star power but doesn’t plan to take any real steps to solve it. This was an opportunity to build up a new challenger and interesting angle, instead of going this lazy route. Here are five other matches fans could have enjoyed rather than this showcase…again.

Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley will forever look like a true world-beater. After picking up a victory over Omos and MVP at Hell in a Cell, it looked like he was poised to make a run back to the title he never lost due to a shoulder injury. Lashley’s run since the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic has been the best work of his career, but he’s still slotted a step beneath Reigns and Lesnar. Booking these two men against each other would finally elevate him to a level of stardom he deserves and the company needs.

Plus, it could be an opportunity to reform The Hurt Business. They carried the company through much of the early pandemic, and when they were split fans hated that decision. A true reformation of sorts would be the right way to bring things full circle.

Solo Sikoa

The start of Roman’s run as champion featured an excellent storyline between, he and Jey Uso. The idea that they were fighting for the recognition of the family made this a storyline everyone loved. Then Jimmy was added, bringing things to the point where they are today. With Solo Sikoa in WWENXT, there’s an opportunity to tell another level of that story with the Usos’ younger brother playing a part.

Imagine him coming to SmackDown under the guise of already being aligned with his cousin only to turn on him and his brothers, kicking off the next level of the family feud. While he wouldn’t be the one to defeat Reigns, it would be a fun story from start to finish and perhaps the way WWE could get to telling that angle with The Rock that everyone wants to see.

Shinsuke Nakamura

Shinsuke Nakamura is long overdue for another opportunity to remind fans that he’s one of the best performers in professional wrestling. This is the man that carried the wrestling scene in Japan for years and put on an exceptional match with AJ Styles at Wrestle Kingdom. To say that his main roster run has been less than expected would be a massive understatement.

There was a moment when it looked like Nakamura was headed to a rivalry with Reigns, but that was nixed, with Nakamura once again being made to look like a chump. Nakamura is such a talent and watching him and Reigns work through an extended angle and match would be some of the best action WWE has put on in recent memory. Sadly, it seems like an angle viewers will never get to witness.