Michin versus Chelsea Green is the perfect match for the WWE Women's US Title

The first WWE Women's US Champion will be crowned and the pairing of Michin versus Chelsea Green is perfect.
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The finals are set to crown the inaugural WWE Women’s United States Champion. Michin will compete against Chelsea Green for the title at WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event. This is the perfect match to book and hopefully sets the tone for the future of the women’s division midcard.

Green and Michin are vital members to the WWE roster. They may not be main event champions or even in angles at the top of the card. But they represent exactly what the midcard should be. A group of high-level workers and characters that elevate everyone around them.

Michin has a slew of great matches in WWE. She may not be the first name that jumps off the board when it comes to being the top worker on the card, but she deserves all the respect in the world. Her recent matches against Jaida Parker and Chelsea Green have been entertaining and important to the women’s division. She has others in WWE, like her ladder match against Iyo Sky back in 2019 that stand out. And even beyond the ropes of WWE, Michin’s catalog holds up to the test.

As the first United States Champion, she could be expected to put on good matches in the timeslots allotted to her. Matches that could tell stories, while building up other names around her in the ring. She’s a ringleader when needed and that’s what the workers’ title needs.

On the other hand, Chelsea Green is perhaps one of the best characters in WWE today. Whether it is during backstage segments, on commentary, or during a match – Green knows how to get the crowd invested. She’s playing a comedic heel today, but she has the potential to do nearly any type of character work asked.

Michin and Chelsea Green have a lot of history to play off as well. They first competed against each other on September 2, 2018, at Warrior Wrestling 2 in a tag team match that included Britt Baker and Santana Garrett. The rivalry followed them through WWE NXT and TNA before swinging the block to where we are today. According to Cagematch, Michin holds the edge in the head-to-head with 18 wins and 14 losses. In single matches that win percentage improves to 4-1 in Michin’s favor.

The WWE is taking a big step in strengthening its women’s division by building out the midcard. Michin versus Chelsea Green is going to set the tone for this title and should be a fun match to enjoy.