Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor 2024 Awards

Supercard of Honor brought their A-game, putting together a phenomenal show that was enjoyable through and through. This is the award show for the performances and great matches.
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There were 8 matches over the 3-hour event. All eyes were on the mid-card-focused roster to perform a PPV that could match WrestleMania 40. If you can spare $10 bucks, the PPV is well worth the price and a welcome contrast to the weekly show.

Best Unexpected Match: Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson

This was a very strong start to the show and resulted in the audience screaming "This is awesome" several times. It is worth noting that the audience is much more reactive and louder in the PPV than in the weekly show. The match was almost twenty minutes of high spots and insane bumps. This match set the theme of competitors kicking out of finishers as Lee Johnson kicked out of almost every signature move. Lee answered back with some beautiful rope dives, head-smashing slams, and top-rope insanity. I was wrong to doubt Lee's ability to keep up with Fletcher. Fletcher had to throw Lee like a lawn dart into the turnbuckle and knock him out cold

Best Hard Hitting Female: Queen Aminata

Queen Aminata is a combat tank in the ring, but this PPV brought out her hardest hits. She did a diving knee on Billie Starkz and the smack was so satisfying that I could feel it from the TV. Queen Aminata's move set did not let up as she used her massive strength to crash Billie into the floor several times. Aminata is very fun to watch especially when she gets to throw her opponent around like a ragdoll.

Best Hard Hitting Male: Kyle Fletcher

Every time Lee Johnson got on his feet, Kyle crushed him with an earth-shattering move. His intensity was dialed up to eleven. The gut-wrench piledrivers and top rope brain busters received gasps from the audience. Kyle is on par with Will Osprey in terms of putting on intense matches. I hope he stays with ROH just so we can see him elevate more matches.

Best Crazy Moment: Billie Starkz heel turn

The women's TV tournament ended with Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz facing off. The last TV taping subtlety hinted that Billie was siding with Athena (a well-known cheater), but no one could have expected this turn. Fifteen minutes of wrestling passed and Billie performed a top rope backsplash on Queen Aminata, landing hard on Aminata's knees. She then beckoned the ref to come to her aid, crying in pain. Immediately, ring staff started surrounding her, fitting her with a neck brace. Her cries rang out over the arena. The camera stayed on Queen Aminata as she looked absolutely horrified by her actions.

After a moment, Billie limped to her feet in a neck brace. the crowd applauded her ability to stand up. The announcers were relieved that Billie's feet were moving so she was not paralyzed. Queen Aminata opened up the ring ropes to let out her opponent and I seriously wondered how they were going to end this match with a wounded wrestler. But Billie grabbed Queen Aminata's back and gave her a German suplex. She then put Aminata into a sleeper until the ref stopped the match to award Billie Starkz the first TV Women's Champion. Billie was all smiles and tongue as held the title high.

Best Finisher Female: Athena's Eclipse

Athena was not ready to give up her Women's title to Shida. She worked on Shida's knee for most of the match and it paid off as Shida couldn't hit her Katana kick fully. Athena nailed a top rope cutter on Shida for the two count. The second time she got on the rope she got so much air on the corkscrew, leading to a very powerful neck breaker on the way down. It was lights out for Shida and a clean win for Athena. I thought for sure the heel Fallen Goddess would have cheated, but she wrestled admirably.

Best Finisher Male: Mark Briscoe's Jay Killer

Mark Briscoe only needed to hit the Jay Killer once to secure the World Championship. Eddie Kingston was an irritated champion, frustrated at his loss from Okada. He promised that he was not going to let up on Mark. After Mark kicked out of Eddie's swinging back fist, it was down to who could hit their finisher first. Mark was pumping himself up, pointing to the sky to honor his late beloved brother, Jay. The announcers excitedly yelled that Jay was watching Mark from Heaven and he was so proud. Mark took the moment and put Eddie into a Jay Killer to get the three-count. Ribbons littered the ring as the ROH alumni came out to celebrate his victory.

Strangest Match: Dalton Castle vs. Johnny TV

Dalton Castle is the king of strange and also proudly comes from my hometown of Rochester, NY. Everyone knew that his match with Johnny TV would be hilarious as the story revolved around Dalton losing his boys to a bear attack (under Johnny's watch). About mid-match, Dalton called every reserve boy from the back to plancha off the ropes onto Johnny. The last boy to come out was Cobra Kai actor, Paul Walter Hauser. He spread tacks over the ring and Dalton gave Johnny a Bangarang on top of them for the win. It was ridiculous chaos.

Best Worker of the Night Male: Mark Briscoe

Mark carried the legacy and tradition of ROH by honoring his brother and beating Eddie Kingston.

Best Worker of the Night Female: Athena

Athena proved why she is such a draw in AEW/ROH and she does not have to resort to cheap villainy to win matches.

Best Spot of the Night: The one-count kickout

Athena hit a running Codebreaker on Hikaru Shida, but only got a one-count to the surprise of the arena. Shida hits a Falcon Arrow on Athena, but she kicked out at one. The audience ate it up and it made the feud between the girls that much sweeter.

Best Match of the Night: Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson

The match between Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston made me cry tears of joy, but Fletcher versus Lee filled me with so many "This is awesome" moments.