5 Most Successful NXT Stars in WWE

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No. 1 Seth Rollins (One-time Tag Team champion; 2014 Mr. Money in the Bank; Main-evented WrestleMania 31; One-time WWE World Heavyweight champion)

There is one reason why Seth Rollins is No. 1 on the list — the WWE World Heavyweight championship.

The fact that he has been a tag team champion, Mr. Money in the Bank, and cashed in his MITB briefcase during the main event of WrestleMania — and being the first to do so — to win the WWE title helps his cause, too.

Even if Rollins was to hang up his boots today, he will be forever remembered because of his cash in and pinning Roman Reigns to take Brock Lesnar’s WWE title at WrestleMania 31.

He has done what no other NXT star has done since the rebranding in 2012, and that’s become the champ. He’s the top guy.

Rollins is proof that NXT is the future of the WWE, and that he will be a big part of that future.

What do you think of the list? Who would you add and/or take out for your list? Let me know below!

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