Wrestling’s Greatest Factions of All Time

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1. New World Order (nWo)

Key Members: Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, The Giant, Syxx, Randy Savage, and Eric Bischoff

Years Active: 1996-2000, 2002

Our number one faction is a group that not only dominated but also took control of the company that they were working for the New World Order. In the Spring of 1996, WCW President Eric Bischoff was looking to add talent to help in his efforts with competing with the WWF.

To do so Bischoff began to raid the WWF of their talent offering superstars guaranteed contracts for money and less dates. This was something Vince McMahon was not doing yet and soon enough Bischoff was able to lure away some of the WWF’s biggest stars.

Bischoff first lured away Scott Hall who was known in the WWF as Razor Ramon. Next, Bischoff signed away Kevin Nash who was known in the WWF as Diesel. The two came into WCW acting as invaders from the WWF proclaiming they were starting a war.

The duo was known as The Outsiders and wreak havoc in WCW for nearly two months. WCW tried to fight back challenging Hall, Nash and a mystery opponent against WCW biggest stars Sting, Lex Luger and Randy Savage at Bash at the Beach 1996.

Hall and Nash began the match by themselves in a 3 on 2 handicap match. Towards the end of the match Hulk Hogan ran down to the ring as it looked like he was coming to help team WCW. When Hogan reached the ring one of the most shocking and iconic moments in wrestling happened. Hogan leg dropped Randy Savage thus turning heel and joining forces with Hall and Nash.

Hogan now became Hollywood Hogan as he abandoned his faded red and yellow say your prayers, eat your vitamins routine, to a black and white more mature theme. As an aligned trio the group wrecked havoc on WCW, and the following month at WCW Hog Wild Hulk Hogan defeated The Giant to win The WCW Championship.

The group spray painted the belt with the nWo logo, thus making it the nWo Championship. Not soon after the group started adding more members to the group. Ted Dibase, Syxx and The Giant (who had recently lost to Hogan) all joined the group.

The most shocking person who joined happened when Eric Bischoff was revealed to have always been a member of the nWo. With the current president of WCW in their back pocket it looked like the nWo would be unstoppable. And they were, the group dominated WCW from 1996-2000.

The group continued to add more top WCW stars into the group such as Randy Savage, Scott Steiner and Curt Henning. The nWo held every major championship in WCW with Hogan holding the WCW championship for over a year. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash also held the WCW Tag Team Championships for nearly a year as well.

The nWo storyline also helped WCW beat WWF in the Monday Night Wars for nearly two full years. From mid-1996 until 1998, WCW Nitro beat WWF Raw in the ratings war. WWF did not win a ratings war until late April 1998.

The group started to dwindle down towards the new millennium in 2000. In 2001, WCW was purchased by WWF with Hogan, Hall and Nash not coming to the WWF right away because of clauses in their contract. However in early 2002 Hogan, Hall and Nash returned to the WWF as the nWo.

The trio entered a feud with the company’s biggest two stars Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. The feud culminated with Scott Hall facing Stone Cold, and The Rock facing Hogan at WrestleMania X8. Both Hogan and Hall would lose, with Hogan being kicked out of nWo because he shook The Rock’s hand in respect after losing to him.

Hall and Nash tried to continue the nWo without Hogan adding X-Pac, Big Show, Booker T and Shawn Micahels to the group but injuries to Nash and Scott Hall being released from the company ended the nWo’s run in WWF.

The nWo will be remembered as the most iconic faction of all time. People to this day still wear the classic nWo logo shirt in pride. The group helped WCW win the Monday Night War for two years, and not only did they take over WCW but they almost put WWF out of business as well.

The nWo’s iconic run and historical achievements undoubtedly  makes them the greatest wrestling faction of all time and for life.

Do you agree with this list? If not, who would be on your list? Who would be your number one faction of all time, let us know in the comment section below. Like, share or follow me on Twitter @JaySichler.

Next: Wrestling's Greatest Tag Teams

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