WWE Night of Champions 2015 Results: Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev


Who would win this fight between bitter rivals at Night of Champions?

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Dolph Ziggler and Rusev would battle tonight at Night of Champions in the second match of the evening.

Ziggler came out rocking new gear with Lana’s face on the crotch, and Summer Rae was rocking her new earrings from Dolph. However, it would be Summer’s shoe that made the biggest difference in this match as Dolph Ziggler would get the pin on Rusev after a misfire by Summer. She attempted to hit the ref with her shoe after being tossed from the match, but caught Rusev instead. That let Ziggler hit the ZigZag for the victory.

Rusev would be in control for most of the beginning of the match, working on the previously injured throat of Ziggler. He would get distracted by the WWE Universe’s chants for Lana, allowing Dolph to fight back into the match.

Dolph goes to the top rope. But Rusev bounces him off and hits Ziggler with a super kick. Rusev goes for a jump kick but misses and Ziggler gets a sleeper hold on the Bulgarian. Rusev gets caught with a huge DDT but manages to kick out at two.

Both men are slow to their feet. Ziggler goes for a super kick and misses. Rusev hits a kick and gets a 2 count. Rusev starts celebrating like it is a three count until the ref finally tells him he hasn’t. Rusev signals for the Accolade, but Dolph was playing possum. Ziggler catches Rusev with a super kick and Rusev barely puts the shoulder up at 2.9

Summer gets up on the apron and is bumped into the ring by Ziggler when Rusev throws him into the ropes. Summer throws a fit and begins tossing her shoes. She goes to throw her shoe at the referee but he ducks and hits Rusev. That lets Ziggler hit Rusev with the Zig Zag for the victory.

Summer sits in the aisle upset about what happened, and Ziggler leans down and kisses her hand as he heads to the back.

This doesn’t appear to be the end of the road for this storyline and it will definitely have some more fall out on RAW. Never would’ve thought that the defining moment in the match would be flying footwear, but it just goes to show you never know what’ll happen in a WWE ring.

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