WWE Night of Champions 2015 Results: Seth Rollins vs. Sting


Check out what happened in the Night of Champions match between Seth Rollins and Sting.

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After losing his United States Championship earlier at Night of Champions, Seth Rollins was looking to leave Houston with the most important prize in the WWE, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. By night’s end, Rollins was at least able to hold on to the WWE World Title and kept it in the Authority’s control.

Sting took advantage of John Cena AA’ing Rollins on the outside, being able to gain some momentum in the biggest match of his short WWE career. Rollins, obviously exhausted from his first battle with Cena, was not able to rebound and hold Sting off in the early going.

Rollins first got momentum back when he slammed Sting through the Spanish announce table, with Sting’s head bouncing off of a monitor. That was’t enough for Rollins to walk out of Houston with one of his titles. He was however able to parlay that momentum into pure dominance of the former WCW star. Rollins looked for the Pedigree, trying to put an end to Sting but the Vigilante was able to reverse it, creating some much-needed space.

Sting finally showed signs of life, hitting a Stinger Splash and even a flying cross-body while Rollins was on the outside. The crowd responded with a chant of “You Still Got It.” After hitting a Scorpion Death Drop, it appeared that Sting was going to win his first championship in WWE but Rollins was able to get his foot on the ropes before the three count, prolonging the match some more.

Following a turnbuckle power-bomb, Sting’s back looked to be in some pain and the ringside doctors attended to him. Despite looking down and out, the match continued and Sting was able to reverse a Pedigree into the Scorpion Death Lock, but Rollins was able to get to the ropes. Sting reversed another Pedigree into the Scorpion Death Lock, and once again Rollins reversed it. This time it was into a roll up, and Rollins was able to retain.

Rollins retaining was a rather interesting decision, and then Sheamus’ music hit and it somewhat made sense. We were about to get a cash-in. After hitting the Brogue Kick,  it was a formality that we were about to have a new champion. More music hit, and this time it was the returning masked Kane. He had his eyes set on Rollins and then Sheamus, leaving them both flat on their backs.

This entire night set up for a fantastic payoff, with something big happening to close the show. Instead we got a returning Kane, leaving the Houston crowd and me wanting a bit more. This would explain why Brock Lesnar and Undertaker are main eventing Hell in a Cell next month, because Kane vs. Seth Rollins won’t sell tickets.

Next: WWE NOC Review

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