How to Guarantee a Record Crowd at WWE WrestleMania 32


How Vince McMahon can break the all-time attendance record at WrestleMania 32.

The best thing FanSided ever did was hire me as a writer. No, it wasn’t for my dashing good looks, extremely high IQ or Wilt Chamberlain-like reputation with babes. While those things were listed on my resume, I’d like to think they looked beyond those superficial attributes and instead focused on the fact that I have good ideas. Scratch that, I have great ideas.

Case in point, below are 5 ways the WWE can ensure it breaks its own attendance record and gives them a better than average chance to become to highest-attended event of all time. These things cannot happen at WrestleMania 32; they must happen beforehand in order to convince those would-be fans to actually shell out their money and travel to Arlington, TX. I lived there for several years and trust me, you most certainly need a good reason to travel to that truck-stop of a town.

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Bring back the Hardcore Championship

I understand that this belt was retired when the WWE moved on from the Attitude Era and became more family oriented but there is a way they can have both and still use a title that is required to be defended 24/7. Some of the most memorable segments involving the hardcore belt didn’t occur in the ring; they were filmed at amusement parks and hotel rooms. Having this belt would give some breathing room to a RAW show that is struggling to produce 3 quality hours every week. A single 10-15 minute taped segment takes the place of a match that would otherwise be looked at as nothing more than a time filler.

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Use your stars

The WWE currently employs over 50 wrestlers on their roster and WrestleMania 32 is the perfect time to use them all. This show above all others should be a four hour conveyor belt of talent and excitement. There should be no dead space in-between matches. And no, don’t sell them short and relegate them to a pre-show match cared about by

CM Punk

Vince needs to stop pretending like Punk doesn’t exist or fooling himself into thinking that he doesn’t need Punk. There may have been a time when that was true, but ratings are so bad right now that Vince should be considering all of his options if he wants to guarantee a record-breaking show. In the ultimate pandering move, the WWE could (and should) be working a deal behind-the-scenes to bring Punk back on a future RAW to challenge someone, anyone, at WrestleMania. The challenge will immediately be followed by a reminder that tickets are still on sale via The one universal constant in the realm of professional wrestling is that you never say never.

More TLC

The TLC gimmick is a proven success which is why I was so puzzled when the WWE used each of those elements separately during their last TLC event. A tag team match under TLC rules and using teams who have already established themselves as more than capable to compete in such a match would be a fantastic show opener and should set the tone for the rest of the program.

Put The Rock in a legitimate match against a legitimate contender

Donald Wood from Bleacher Report already postulated that The Rock should win the world title at the Royal Rumble. While I don’t agree with the specifics, I do agree that Rock’s presence at WrestleMania will be a huge draw. Taking this a step further, a Rock vs. Punk rematch would make fans salivate on both sides of the aisle.

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Are some of these ideas shamelessly done in an effort to appease the WWE Universe and IWC in general? Absolutely. Vince is not and should not be above such actions for short-term gains, especially when he knows they will put money into his pockets.