WWE Fastlane 2016: Roman Reigns Should Turn Heel on Dean Ambrose


Roman Reigns should be turning heel at Sunday night’s WWE Fastlane pay-per-view.

For the last year, WWE has tried its best to get Roman Reigns into the spot as the number one face in the company. It failed for most of 2015 as Reigns was constantly booed everywhere he went. It seemed for a short period that WWE was finally able to get Reigns over when he won the WWE championship on Raw back in Dec.

However, this was short-lived as after horrible booking in the Royal Rumble match, Reigns has gone back to getting consistent boos from the crowd. With the booking over the last month, it seems that the most likely outcome tonight is that Reigns is to win the triple threat Sunday to become the No. 1 Contender at WrestleMania.

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In the triple threat match, Reigns should lose the match and turn heel on his best friend. Reigns turning heel would be the best thing for his career right now. With WWE having a lack of top tier heels Roman could be the top heel in WWE.

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What should happen in the Fastlane main event, is that Roman should take down Brock Lesnar (after getting some assistance from a surprise attack from The Wyatt Family setting up Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania) before he gets the pin, Dean Ambrose sneaks in and steals the victory.

After the match, Reigns shakes Ambrose’s hand and then turns on him turning him heel in the process. Roman Reigns can then cut a promo the next night on Raw, that he’s done fighting for everyone and that now he’s only fighting for himself.

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Roman can build his career as a top heel fighting against the likes of Ambrose, John Cena, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins. Down the road when Roman has established himself as a consistent top guy as a heel WWE can then consider giving him a run as a face.

Reigns’ cousin, The Rock, had the same issue when he was coming up. WWE tried to make The Rock a top face early in his career, but the fans would not have it. They chanted “Die, Rocky, Die”. Eventually, WWE turned Rock heel. The rest is history as The Rock rose to be one of the top heels and most popular wrestlers eventually leading to his face turn and becoming one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

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Reigns can really jump start his career becoming a heel tonight. If WWE wants him to have the same successful career as his cousin had, then his heel turn needs to happen tonight at Fastlane.