5 Things Nia Jax Needs to Become a Top WWE Star

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1. Nia Jax Should Be the One To Demolish Stephanie McMahon

The Stephanie McMahon character is one of the most annoying and most genuinely-despised characters in WWE. She gets more screen time than any active wrestler, she emasculates both her supporters and her detractors, she contradicts her own booking and spits in the face of kayfabe by being a heel on while also appearing in WWE’s charity videos, and no matter how much she insults others, and she never gets her comeuppance.

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This is in direct contradiction to Mr. McMahon, who’d embarrass himself and get thrashed by his opponents to get them over. Whether it was him getting stunned by Austin or having his face shoved up Rikishi’s ass, Vince did whatever was necessary to get his superstars over, and it worked.

But Stephanie does what she wants and still ignores the necessary conclusion to the story. The evil boss that dominated everyone else must meet their maker. Since the main women’s storylines appear to be taken care of, the only one left involves Nia Jax. She needs a big storyline to get over with the audience, and there’s nothing bigger than taking out the boss.

This is one of those rare storylines that can work well for either a babyface or a heel. Imagine seeing Stephanie cutting another angry promo at the RAW roster, only for Nia Jax to come out to interrupt her. Stephanie then berates Nia as usual and slaps her on the face (also as usual).

But instead of doing nothing following that slap, which is what 100% of Stephanie slap victims have done so far, Nia Jax clobbers Stephanie with a series of big power moves, before using her finisher on Stephanie and (in storyline) sending her to the hospital.

This could lead to one of two directions. One, Jax becomes a more vicious heel than before, truly becoming the most feared women’s wrestler. Two, Jax becomes a babyface (or at the very least, an Undertaker-like tweener that doesn’t give a damn about your alignment and destroys you anyway), and continues to run roughshod over the roster.

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Either way, by having Nia Jax attack the most hated woman in WWE, she’d have a one-way ticket to superstardom.