WWE WrestleMania 33: If Undertaker Loses, What’s Next?


What lies ahead for the Undertaker if he loses against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33?

After the events that unfolded on the last edition of Monday Night Raw, the Undertaker would face WWE’s resident Big Dog, Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33. Reigns could say ‘this is my yard now’  all he wants. But WrestleMania would always be seen as the Phenom’s yard. The two of them would be facing each other for the first time since the events of Royal Rumble. Moreover, this would be the first time they stand across the ring in a singles match.

Undertaker and Reigns would spar on a few occasions back in the days of the Shield. Reigns, along with Ambrose and Rollins would even put the Dead Man through a table then. However, this time around, things have changed massively. Reigns could very well be referred to as the poster boy of the new era in the WWE. The Undertaker has always been a reliable performer for the WWE. However, time has caught up to the Dead Man.

Rumor has it that he has been postponing hip surgery to ensure his WrestleMania appearance would not be affected. The Phenom has only been beaten once in WrestleMania. One would say it took someone like Brock Lesnar to finally end the streak. However, when we look back on it, it came as a shock when Undertaker initially lost. Bigger names and bigger stars had tried and failed over the years.

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Could the Undertaker survive another loss at the show of shows? Would he still be able to maintain that invincible aura the made WrestleMania his yard? Reigns is obviously the unquestioned face of the WWE in this era. He could very well be the superstar that carries the company to the next decade. Creative has been hellbent on presenting him with every title and every opportunity at the spotlight. As such, the odds of him going over the Undertaker would be large.

If Undertaker were to lose come April 2nd, one would realistically have to think about his retirement. For 25 years the Dead Man has put his body on the line for the company and the sports that he loves. As such, this could, by all means, be the Undertaker’s last WrestleMania. He has achieved everything a wrestler could ever think of. That is, with the exception of one last thing.

I am referring to the WWE Universal title. The Undertaker should have one final run with the title on Raw before taking up his rightful place in the Hall of Fame. Goldberg got to do it after spending well over a decade away from the ring. It would only be fair for the Dead Man to have a run as well. To make it even sweeter, logical and captivating to the fans, this should come against Roman Reigns.

However, for this to work, creative would have to allow heel Reigns to take over. He would have to resort to underhand maneuvers to win. He would have to constantly brag about defeating the Phenom at WrestleMania 33. Reigns would have to become obsessed with himself and his historical win. Things would have to get to the point where Reigns would vocally think of himself as someone above everyone and everything. He would have to go after the Universal title and win it in typical Roman Reigns fashion.

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He would then have to proceed to go over anyone and everyone that step against him. If this is done right, Reigns would become Raw‘s top heel. Then, when it would seem like no one could step up against the Big Dog, the Dead Man would have to make his return. He would have to return to avenge his loss. From there, WWE could easily build a feud for the Universal title. They should let Taker get the decisive win. It should come after Reigns have tried every dirty trick in the book to get the win. That would in some ways make the fans feel better. By then they would have witnessed the fall of the Dead Man twice. A run with the Universal title would be something of a consolation for the fans.

Once this is pulled off, creative could proceed to actually think about passing the torch. If Reigns would go over the Undertaker, it wouldn’t really be a passing on the torch moment. He could never be what the Phenom was to the WWE. Instead, WWE should opt for someone like Finn Balor to be the next in line for Undertaker’s throne. To be honest, Roman Reigns does not need a win against Undertaker to cement his legacy. As such, a win would never really be a passing of the torch moment.

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WWE should wisely use Undertaker’s time to build another superstar. Finn Balor could go toe to toe with the Phenom in terms of gimmick, theatricality and over the top antiques. If Reigns were to go over at WrestleMania, that should not signal the end of an era. It should not happen until Balor goes over and takes his rightful place. That would be the ideal way to let the Dead Man move away from the ring, knowing he handed over his powers to the most ideal man on the entire roster. Someone who would carry on his legacy towards the future.