WWE WrestleMania 33: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg Can’t Be Short Again


In just two weeks time, Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg will meet for the final time at WrestleMania 33. Should fans be expecting another short contest between the two powerhouses?

Since Bill Goldberg made his return to WWE last year, he hasn’t been known for long in-ring encounters. At Survivor Series, he conquered Brock Lesnar in a shocking eighty-six seconds. He followed that performance with an appearance at the Royal Rumble. This time, he lasted a little bit longer but was still eliminated well before the five minute mark. His latest match against Kevin Owens was by far the shortest match of the trio, only lasting an abysmal twenty-two seconds.

Now in possession of the Universal Championship, Goldberg is destined for another encounter with the Beast Incarnate. Taking place on the biggest stage the industry has to offer, this match has a lot of potential. Millions of fans will have their eyes drawn to this contest, hoping to see a definitive end to the feud. The only question is will this match deliver a satisfying conclusion that benefits both men?

Depending on how the match pans out, we could end up seeing a wide range of audience reactions. Should the contest be short as Goldberg’s recent matches have been, fans will likely feel let down. These two men are probably going to main event WrestleMania, so to have that match end quickly would be rather foolish. Professional wrestling fans can be easily disappointed at times, and another short match from Goldberg is something that may agitate them.

The last thing that WWE needs right now is for fans to grow disgruntled with the product. Many take issue with the fact that the company tends to give a majority of the spotlight to aging stars. What fans tend to forget is that it’s imperative that WWE draws as many eyes as possible to WrestleMania. Not only is this their greatest spectacle, but the Show of Shows is where careers are defined. The more people that are watching, the higher the probability is that they may keep following the product.

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If Goldberg versus Lesnar ends in quick fashion, it will likely turn fans away from the product. While it’s realistic that an aging veteran would be unable to have a prolonged match, his current work has been rather unimpressive. Shock value aided his Survivor Series contest and the Royal Rumble is rather lenient on time spent in the match, however, this trend didn’t last. By the time Fastlane rolled around, Goldberg’s dominance was starting to lose its luster.

What fans need to see is Goldberg competing in a match outside of his comfort zone. Having been known for squash matches throughout his career, there aren’t many prolonged encounters he’s excelled in. Lesnar isn’t a saint in this regard either, however, when the time calls for it, he can pull out a great performance. Unfortunately, no one knows if Goldberg is capable of the same thing as this point.

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WrestleMania is only two weeks away, so odds whatever ring shape he’s in now is what we’ll see at the Show of Shows. In arguably his biggest WWE match to date, Goldberg will defend his newly won Universal Championship. Even at this stage of his career, Da Man has a lot to prove with what could be his last match. If he excels in a match that goes longer than he’s used to, Goldberg proves he has a great deal left in the tank. Future opportunities to wrestle would surely be presented to him should this be the outcome.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, let’s suppose Goldberg competes in another short contest. First and foremost, fans would be very disappointed. WrestleMania is where we see generations collide in amazing contests. It isn’t where we see squash matches which do nothing besides offering some short-term benefit.

Second, a win like that does nothing for either man. Losing quickly makes Goldberg appear weak, and Lesnar defeating such an opponent would seem beneath him. Along with that, the Beast Incarnate would have a hard time explaining how he fell to such an “easy” competitor before.

Next: 5 Reasons Goldberg Wins at WM 33

Whatever we end up seeing at WrestleMania, this match will be heavily discussed going forward. Thirteen years ago, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg were supposed to present a clash of two titans. Instead, we received a match that fell below expectations. Two weeks from now they have a chance to rid that memory from the minds of fans. In its place, they have the chance to produce something special and memorable for the right reasons. Let’s just hope the match goes on longer than most are predicting it will.