5 Reasons Kevin Owens Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

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1. He’s Sticking Around After WrestleMania

Perhaps the biggest reason for a KO victory at WrestleMania is that he will be on Raw immediately following WrestleMania – and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Much has been made on the announcement of an upcoming Fozzy tour in May. Fozzy, of course, is the rock band that Jericho is the lead singer for. When a band is going out on tour, the lead singer is kind of a big deal.

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If Fozzy is going to be on the road for most of May, it would be reasonable to assume that Chris Jericho won’t be on Raw too much during that period of time. And WWE can’t afford to have both of their male singles titles disappear from Monday nights. So if Jericho is going to be missing time, it makes sense for Kevin Owens to leave WrestleMania as champion.

Of course, it’s possible for Owens (or someone else) to win the title at a later date. May, after all, is a whole month away from WrestleMania 33. But with Jericho being a veteran, he’d likely do the honorable thing dating back to the territory days – go out on your back.

After picking up a victory at WrestleMania 32 against AJ Styles to close out that feud, Jericho should be returning the favor before disappearing for a little bit. Kevin Owens is coming off a great 2016. And 2017 is already shaping up to be another standout year for him. Why would you kill his momentum to give a WrestleMania victory to a guy who’s leaving in a month?

Must Read: Could WWE Raw Be in Trouble without Chris Jericho?

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