WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Booking Decisions They Must Avoid

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WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year, therefore the booking decisions the company makes must be crucial as they move forward in the new era.

Coming off a less than successful Fastlane, the company is on track to Orlando.  Now that we have a main event with part-time talent WWE has to work with what they created to make WrestleMania very successful.  The card has been shaping up and will be a packed card with great matches from start to almost finish.  No shade, I promise but readers know I’m not favorable with Lesnar or Goldberg.

WrestleMania is all about making moments and creating legacies.  With the new era and more focus on the younger talent, fans hope that this will be the case this year despite the main event controversy.  WWE has one of the best talent pools that they have had in years, and it is time to let them shine on the biggest stage.  It’s been a slow go in that department but maybe that will change.  Several new faces will be making their first appearance at WrestleMania, and a handful of them are involved in a Championship match.  That’s one positive out of the cloud of controversy.

The last thing the company needs to do is to be predictable in their decisions.  This is the first WrestleMania of the new era that WWE is trying to promote.  With a main event taken over by stars of the past, the rest of the card must have the booking that they deserve.  That means storylines that make sense per right decisions that will be beneficial in the long run.

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The company can right the wrongs of Fastlane simply by moving forward.  The storylines will heat up during the summer to which leads off to SummerSlam in August.  Therefore it’s imperative to make sure WrestleMania hits it out of the ballpark.  Some storylines will end while others will progress.  Some legacies will be born while others may be cemented for good.  All in all, there must be evolution for many of the talent of the card.

There was a tagline several years ago that said WrestleMania, where it begins again.  This is appropriate for this year’s WrestleMania considering where the company is at.  It is the greatest chance to leave the past behind and look towards the future.  The company has the talent and depth to transition fully.  Let the past go and continue to focus on the future.  The gray areas need to disappear.

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Let’s look at some decisions that the company needs to stay away from.