What was WWE WrestleMania 33’s Best Match?


Out of all of the matches we saw at WrestleMania 33, which one stands tall above the rest?

Up until the main event of WrestleMania 33, the match which was originally slated for this article was the tag team ladder match. The return of the Hardy Boyz at WrestleMania was a huge moment, as was them winning the Raw Tag Team Championships. However, when Roman Reigns defeated The Undertaker, the basis of this article changed.

In the weeks leading up to the event, rumors began to swirl that Undertaker was set to retire. Fans had heard this particular rumor for years, but this time around it felt legitimate. The veteran has long been known for being resilient, but not even the Deadman can outlast time. His body was beginning to deteriorate, making his time inside the ring rather difficult. Despite this, the love Mark Calaway (aka The Undertaker) had for this business kept him going when his body could not. He could’ve called it quits when he lost the Streak, yet instead, he continued his storied career.

The dedication that this man made to not only his character, but the entity that is professional wrestling, is profound. When I was a younger, I remember being immersed by a character that seemed larger than life. My very first WWE pay-per-view purchase was WrestleMania 23, and on that night I witnessed history. For the first time in his career, The Undertaker defeated Batista to win the World Heavyweight Championship. From that night on, I was hooked on the product.

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Living near Philadelphia, I had always made it a priority to attend at least one televised WWE show. That wish came true for the first time in 2012, during the buildup to WrestleMania 28. I remember seeing Undertaker appearing from the smoke, his bone-chilling theme filling the arena. This was the night he confronted Shawn Michaels and Triple H, telling The Game that his best friend was the better wrestler of the two. It was one of the most exciting nights of my life, and I made sure I was going to see him perform again.

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It took a whole year, but I got to see The Undertaker one final time. Emerging from the darkness to attack CM Punk and attain his magical urn, the Deadman was a force to be reckoned with. Like any other fan in attendance that night I absolutely lost my cool, and in doing so lost my voice for two days. What a way to spend a Monday night.

So fast forwarding to WrestleMania 33, a part of me felt my childhood end when Undertaker was defeated. It took everything Reigns had in his arsenal and then some to overcome the Deadman. The match solidified Undertaker as what he always had been; a legend and someone who’s character was immortal. Moving around like he was still in his prime, there were moments where I forget just how banged up the veteran was.

Whatever awaits The Undertaker now that his career is over, hopefully, it will be only positive experiences. Entertaining fans around the world for over two decades has earned him that. He leaves behind an incredible legacy, one that will never be equaled.

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On Apr. 2, 2017, the Deadman’s career ended. Despite this, the memories he helped to create will live on forever.