WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for July 3

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Source: WWE.com

Braun Strowman vs. Apollo Crews

Result: Braun Strowman defeated Apollo Crews via pinfall

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

Well, then.

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Strowman was a little unsteady on the mic this week, but it doesn’t matter – you know exactly what he’s saying. He’s out for blood from a Big Dog.

As far as competition for tonight, Strowman throws his challenge out again, and is answered by… uh, Titus O’Neil? Apparently, that earlier conversation between Titus and Apollo Crews led to an agreement to step up.

And it was a lot better than it had any right to be. Strowman dominated the majority of the match, but Crews refused to give up. He looked close at one point, but Titus appealed to his new fatherhood.

A newly fired up Crews made a decent comeback, finally bringing the Monster Among Men down to the mat. Apollo went for his standing moonsault, and, well, take a look:

Yes, Braun Strowman is the greatest wrestler on the planet. He torments poor Crews before finally putting him out of his misery, then makes short work of Titus as well. But because he’s a terrible human being who won’t help someone when they’re in trouble, Roman Reigns waits until he can ambush Strowman to make things interesting!

Reigns and Strowman brawl for a bit before Roman speared Braun off the stage through a table. With the Ambulance Match, Joe/Lesnar, and the Iron Man Tag Title match, Great Balls of Fire will be a great pay per view that is ultimately forgotten because of its terrible name.

Next: Worst WWE Pay Per View Names

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