WWE SummerSlam 2017: 3 Potential Opponents for Roman Reigns

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1. Braun Strowman

One would think that an Ambulance Match would spell the end of a long running feud. But when it comes to Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman, and you look at how the match ended, the rivalry may be anything but over.

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On the off chance you somehow missed it at Great Balls of Fire, Strowman won the Ambulance Match when he dodged a spear, sending Reigns flying into the ambulance. But before the vehicle could drive away, Reigns got out and turned the tables on The Monster Among Men. Braun ended up in the back, Reigns got behind the wheel, and decided to commit attempted vehicular homicide.

From what we know about Strowman, he’s never actually finished with Roman Reigns. And if there was ever a time to want just one more match against a long time foe, wouldn’t it be after he tried to kill you with an emergency vehicle?

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the WWE Universe is probably split down the middle between those who want Reigns and Strowman to go at it one more time, and those who think it should be over. Personally, I think the two could use a break from each other for a bit. But if the end of the Ambulance Match is any indication, there’s still some legs left in the feud.

Let these two beat the heck out of each other one more time, maybe in either a steel cage, or a Last Man Standing Match. Either way, there needs to be a more definitive ending than “ambulance crash that Braun walks away from.”

Next: SummerSlam Main Event Already Set?

Who do you think Roman Reigns will face at SummerSlam?