Global Force Wrestling’s Robbie E Fitting In With Dads

Global Force Wrestling’s Robbie E is a new dad, with twin boys; thus, there are challenges with being a father, especially keeping or getting in shape. So he has developed a program to help dads get fit , The Dad Bod Destroyer, through Muscle & Fitness.

If Richie Sambora can have a New Jersey street named after him, why not Robbie E? The Global Force Wrestling superstar is making Jersey proud, too.

He was a physical education teacher at Woodbridge High School, a public school in Woodbridge Township, N.J., where Bon Jovi lead guitarist Sambora graduated.

Robbie E would drive to work each day on a street named after the famous musician (Richie Sambora Way).

He’s not in a top rock group, but Robbie E is within a top group of talent, doing pretty well for himself in his favorite profession – something he’s been doing since the turn of the century (2000).

Raised in Iselin, the Brick resident is a graduate of John F. Kennedy Memorial High School, which is near Woodbridge.

Robbie E is not only a successful professional wrestler, but he is also a college graduate and a reality television star who has helped train wrestlers. Furthermore, this new father (with twin boys) is now involved in helping dads live healthy.

Crediting Pat Kennedy (ECW’s Simon Diamond) for helping in his pro wrestling journey, his success in the ring has led to other projects like the Dad Bod Destroyer via Muscle & Fitness.

So what will it take for Robbie E to have a street named after him?

Winning the GFW Championship?

“I would hope,” he said immodestly.

Eli Drake is the current GFW title holder, recently winning the belt in a 20-man gauntlet match on GFW Impact on Pop TV.

“He’s young and talented,” Robbie E said. “It’s cool [him winning], ‘cause it’s different.”

GFW is formerly TNA Impact Wrestling.

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Robbie E knows what it’s like to wear gold for the company. He is a former TNA X-Division champion, a former TNA Television champion and a former two-time TNA tag team champ.

“I would love to be a world champ someday, bro,” he noted.

A program for the title with Drake, who is accompanied by Chris Adonis, would be quite interesting.

Talk about a cross-country promotion — East Coast, West Coast.

Drake, 34, is currently a California guy, while Robbie E, 33, is Jersey Shore for life.

Robbie E paid his dues working Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic independent promotions, including Chaotic Wrestling, the East Coast Wrestling Association, Hardway Wrestling, Jersey All Pro Wrestling, the National Wrestling Alliance, Pro-Pain Pro Wrestling and Mikey Whipwreck’s New York Wrestling Connection.

Initially, Robbie began weight training and pro wrestling training as a 16-year-old. He worked out in the school gym and worked on his wrestling at the Independent Wrestling Federation school in Woodland Park, N.J.

He debuted in the ring on his 17th birthday on Oct. 1, 2000 against his friend Chad Warwick at an IWF show.

He remembers that match like it was yesterday.

He also recalls wrestling another friend, Damian Adams, at West Orange High School on Jan. 21, 2001.

Adams does, too, (even though Rob won).

Adams said via email: “Rob and I remember it vividly. We still talk about it til this day — how it was a solid match that still holds up to today’s standards with good old school psychology, footwork, transitioning and just good basic fundamentals. Rob was always a pleasure to do battle with then in the beginning and is definitely still one of my favorites when we do battle now although it may be very rare due to our schedules, booking commitments etc. I can always trust Rob in that we will maximize our performance and get the most out of an audience without doing unnecessary things while telling a great story in a short amount of time. Rob is an example of a very talented wrestler, performer and worker.”

Adams added via email: “Rob and I started together training back in 2000. We are best friends.”

Adams trained wrestlers at the now defunct D2W Pro Wrestling Academy in Wharton, New Jersey. He later opened the Team Adams Pro Wrestling Academy, which he currently runs (also in Wharton).

“I’ve had Rob come into my training centers to host guest trainer seminars for the day,” Adams said. “Rob does do a lot of seminars throughout the country for several indie organizations from time to time.”

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Robbie E is a former two-time TNA World Tag Team Champion with Jessie Godderz. They were collectively known as The BroMans with Tara.

A graduate of Kean University in Union, N.J., Robbie E teamed with former TNA Knockout Brooke on “The Amazing Race” on CBS. They received a lot of exposure from the weekly contest, and they reached the finals. He leads a very interesting life and has a grasp of what occurs in pop culture.

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