WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Will The Undertaker Answer John Cena’s Challenge?

Jack Clayton: Of all the lead-ups to WrestleMania, this has by far been the most frustrating. Every week Cena called out the Undertaker – always to no result. At this point, we don’t know if the match is even happening. But if it were, my guess is that Cena would come out on top. If it is truly time for Undertaker to retire, then here is where it is, at the same place the streak ended. It may not be the best match, but it will be one for the ages.

Bryan Heaton: Can’t a wrestler ever just retire and stay retired? WWE gave the Undertaker – and the WWE Universe – a perfect send-off last year. I don’t want to see another Taker match, but it’s happening. And Cena will win, because Taker is old-school and will want to go out on his back.

Liam Hoofe: If this happens, and it is Taker’s last match, then you would expect him to do the business on the way out. That being said, he lost last year to Reigns and a defeat is not going to do Cena any harm at all. Besides, Taker will probably end up performing for the next 5 years at this rate. 

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Christopher Jeter: Man, WWE really went out of their way to make fans think that this match wasn’t going to happen. Cena did not come off well throughout this storyline. He’s come across as whiny and unrealistically desperate. Why should Undertaker care if Cena has a match or not at WrestleMania? Also, I’m also supposed to believe that NOBODY on the ENTIRE WWE roster wants to face Cena at WrestleMania? That notwithstanding, the question isn’t if Taker will show up, but which persona will he use when he does? Will he return as the Deadman? Will he return as “The American Bada$$”? I hope he returns as the former if it means that I don’t have to listen to a Kid Rock performance. As for the match (assuming there is one), I expect it to be resemble Rock/Hogan more than Flair/Steamboat. Cena has started to slow with age and Taker doesn’t move the way he once did either. As for the result, I’ll pick Undertaker to score the feel-good pinfall.

Trace Johnson: Will this match actually happen?  That’s the question at hand.  Assuming that it does happen, either superstar emerging victorious makes sense.  But if it’s Taker‘s actual last match, I’ll pick him to go out with a win.

Joe Soriano: I think Taker shows up, this match is happening, and I think Cena loses. Right, yeah, I have no idea what is going on with this one, but I’m here for the ride.