Where in the blue hell did all these Chris Jericho to Impact rumors come from? Is this really a thing that’s going to happen? I have so many questions!
Chris Jericho is apparently interested in signing with Impact Wrestling. It almost doesn’t seem real. But then again, it didn’t feel real when Y2J popped up and challenged Kenny Omega to a match at NJPW Wrestle Kingdom last year. Here we are a year later, he’s IWGP Intercontinental champion.
Oddly enough, he’s appeared in WWE a few weeks apart from his matches against Kenny Omega and Tetsuya Naito. With these latest rumors, there’s so much mystery surrounding his future. It’s not surprising to see the first WWE Undisputed Champion getting cryptic on Twitter, but it only adds more to our list of questions — and, with a nod to Shea Serrano of The Ringer for inspiration, we have a lot of questions.
Let’s not waste any time piling on anymore. We need answers!
1. Could he?
Of course, he could. He’s Chris Jericho.
2. Would he?
According to Dave Meltzer, it’s destined to happen.
3. Should he?
I don’t think so. But if he thinks should, then he should go for it.
4. Does he really want this?
He’s tweeting about it enough that it seems like it.
5. Do I really want this?
See question 3.
6. Do you really want this?
Tweet us your opinions.
7. “Impact is Jericho” or “Jericho is Impact”?
Impact is Jericho sounds weird. So does Jericho is Impact.
8. Did fans really chant “We Want Jericho on Impact?”
This guy is our only source. Jericho retweeted him. Sounds like it.
9. Couldn’t they have picked a shorter chant?
“We Want Jericho” would’ve been easier.
10. What would joining Impact do for his legacy?
Not a ton. But it would show he’s willing to help out his friends (Executive Vice Presidents Don Callis and Scott D’Amore) who run the company, and that’s admirable.
11. Didn’t he say he wouldn’t compete in North America out of respect to Vince?
He did. But now, he’s saying this:
2019 is gonna be an interesting year…. #FreeAgentJericho
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) August 15, 2018
12. Does he not respect Vince anymore?
Not necessarily. There’s a part in that interview where mentions that he’d sell out the Cow Palace if he ever had a falling out with Vince. But I don’t think Vince could ever get mad at Jericho for helping out two guys he came up with.
13. Does he respect Don Callis and Scott D’Amore more than Vince McMahon?
They’re his buddies. Jericho considers Vince to be a friend, and there is a great deal of respect there. But if your buddies take over a salsa company and they ask you to come work with them, how are you going to turn that down?
14. What would Vince McMahon think about all this anyway?
There’s probably some part of Vince that understands whatever reason would make Jericho would decide this is the best move for him. Besides, the rosters on Raw, Smackdown, and NXT are so stacked that Y2J returning to WWE could potentially take a spot from a Rusev or even a Johnny Gargano.
15. Would he be allowed back in WWE?
If Hogan got reinstated, then yes anything is possible.
16. How much longer would it take him to get into the WWE HOF?
He’d probably have to wait until he finished up whatever deals he had with NJPW and Impact.
17. It couldn’t be a money move, right?
There’s no way. This company has been almost bankrupt too many times for Jericho to sign a mega-deal worth millions of dollars.
18. Why is he going then?
To help his friends? To wrestle some indie names without working the indies? To be able to work on a less-demanding schedule? Your guess is as good as mine.
19. Wait, is he going or are these still rumors?
Calm down. It’s all still hearsay and speculation.
20. How long of a contract would he sign?
There’s no way of knowing, but he turns 48 this year. So let’s say two years?
21. Who on the roster could be the biggest dream match of his?
Maybe he wants a rematch against Matt Sydal, the former Evan Bourne.
22. Do you think he would wrestle a King of the Mountain Match?
It would certainly be one for the highlight reel!
23. Would it draw big numbers?
Not enough to compete with WWE, but I’m sure it’d be the best ratings they would have in a very long time.
24. Would he pull a Kurt Angle?
Here’s hoping.
25. Would he pull a Bischoff/Hogan?
He seems like he’s better than that.
26. Where would he rank among the list of the company’s greatest signings?
The magnitude of his signing alone would put him in the Top 5 for sure.
27. Did people fantasy book Chris Jericho vs. Abyss in 2005?
I’m sure somewhere, on some forum. Yes.
28. Do people want to see Chris Jericho vs. Abyss in 2018?
Eh. Why not?
29. Would Miz get to break Chris Jericho’s Intercontinental Championship reign record out of spite?
It depends. If there was a falling out between Chris and Vince that ends in a lawsuit of a WWE doctor, count on it.
30. Would he stay in NJPW?
Taiji Ishimori is allowed to, so I don’t see why not.
31. Would he be allowed to bring the IGWP Intercontinental Championship to Impact?
With no return date to Japan in sight, it’s more than likely. Can’t see him holding the title past January 4th, though. But I never thought he’d win it in the first place, so who knows?
32. Could he safely take a Canadian Destroyer from Petey Williams?
After seeing his matches with Kenny Omega and Tetsuya Naito, there’s no doubt in my mind.
33. Could we ever see Christopher Daniels vs. Christopher Jericho?
Best Moonsault Ever vs. Lionsault? Book it, Don!
34. Will we get a Chris Jericho-Grado match?
It’d be a hoot. I hope so. Otherwise, this would all be in vain.
35. What will we call the Jericho-Grado tag team?
Y2yersel? Unlikely. Y2GRADO? Predictable, but seems the best option.
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36. Who could he tag against the OGz with?
Petey Williams? Jimmy Jacobs? Lance Storm?
37. How many stars would Dave Meltzer give Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston?
****** 1⁄4 probably.
38. Does Meltzer still give out star ratings to Impact matches?
Surprisingly, yes. Dave rated this year’s Redemption show.
39. Should anyone from WWE follow him to Impact Wrestling?
The more crowded it gets on the WWE/NXT rosters, the more logical it becomes for superstars to jump ship after they quit or get future endeavored. Look what happened to Lashley, McIntyre, and EC3!
40. Could he join the X-Division?
As much fun as it’d be to see him dangle from the cables in an Ultimate X match, he’s more likely going to gun for the World Championship.
41. Do you think he would call it the Y2J-Division?
42. Could Chris Jericho hang with Taiji Ishimori?
He’d need A LOT of DDPYoga after, but sure.
43. Could anyone hang with Taiji Ishimori?
Not unless you’re Bandido. Otherwise, they’d need a lot of DDPYoga.
44. How cool would it be to see him work a program with Jimmy Jacobs?
Pretty cool. For those who don’t know – Jimmy Jacobs was the producer for most of the wonderful segments we saw with Team Kevin and Chris, like the Festival of Friendship.
45. Pentagon Jr or Fenix?
Why not both?
46. Does this mean he’s going to wrestle Sami Callahan on his cruise?
Ugh. Probably.
47. Are tickets to his cruise refundable?
48. Will he start working the North American Indies?
At this point, your guess is as good as mine.
49. What about European Indies like Progress?
Triple H probably would have let him do that while he was in WWE, but the prospect is certainly an exciting one.
50. Could he win PWG’s Battle of Los Angeles?
Slow down. Not in his first year.
51. How long until he wrestles PCO?
With any luck, at Bound for Glory.
52. Would he be in Impact’s VIP Mario Kart Tournament at next year’s Slammiversary?
He better!
53. Who does he main in Mario Kart?
Seems like a Wario guy if you ask me.
54. Will Y2J retweet this?
The ball is in your court, Mr. Jericho.
55. If he goes to Impact Wrestling would things never, ever, be the same again?
That’s an awful lot of questions, but it’s fun to think about Chris Jericho heading to Impact. Because you know what happens when you ignore all the questions surrounding Jericho? Huh? DO YOU?