Rob Van Dam Signs New Contract With Impact Wrestling

Rob Van Dam, WWE Raw Superstar during "See No Evil" Premiere - Arrivals in Los Angeles, California, United States. (Photo by J.Sciulli/WireImage for LIONSGATE)
Rob Van Dam, WWE Raw Superstar during "See No Evil" Premiere - Arrivals in Los Angeles, California, United States. (Photo by J.Sciulli/WireImage for LIONSGATE)

We already knew he would be competing at Impact Wrestling United We Stand, but news broke today that Rob Van Dam will continue to be a part of the company moving forward.

This won’t be the first foray in Impact Wrestling for Rob Van Dam, as he was a part of the company from 2010 to 2013. During his three years with Impact Wrestling, then known as TNA, RVD captured both the X-Division Championship and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

RVD debuted in Impact Wrestling in March of 2010, and managed to capture the TNA World Championship from then-champion AJ Styles only one month later. He continued his reign into August of that year, but the title was vacated due to a storyline injury.

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Rob Van Dam continued to be a staple of the company during the rest of his tenure before departing when his contract expired in 2013. It only took a few months for RVD to return home to WWE, where he was right back in the main event mix for the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship.

After a year with WWE, RVD left the company and returned to the independent scene where he has continued to make sporadic appearances during the last five years. Now, for the first time since 2014, “The Whole F’n Show” has a home with a major company.

We’ll first see RVD back in Impact Wrestling tomorrow night for Impact Wrestling United We Stand. The special event will feature talents from multiple companies including Impact Wrestling, Lucha Underground, AAA, MLW, and more. Rob Van Dam will team with fellow ECW-alum Sabu in an “Extreme Dream Match” against Impact World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr and Fenix).

In an interview with Sporting News today, Rob Van Dam confirmed the news that he has signed a new contract with Impact Wrestling and provided a few additional details about the agreement. He explained the contract “does have a beginning and an end, but they can extend,” should Impact Wrestling like the direction things go and want to keep RVD on for a longer period of time.

While we can expect a solid presence, Rob Van Dam also noted that he won’t be ratcheting up his overall wrestling schedule much more than it has been in recent years. According to RVD, he’s averaged “10-12 matches” during that time, and “this year it will be a little more, but not much more than that.”

RVD will be a part of Impact Wrestling’s TV tapings on April 29th in Toronto, and looks to stay with the company for the foreseeable future after that date.