IMPACT Wrestling banned from Twitch, and maybe RVD knows why

Rob Van Dam, WWE Raw Superstar and six time Intercontinental Champion (Photo by John Sciulli/WireImage for LIONSGATE) *** Local Caption ***
Rob Van Dam, WWE Raw Superstar and six time Intercontinental Champion (Photo by John Sciulli/WireImage for LIONSGATE) *** Local Caption ***

Twitch, a long time partner of IMPACT Wrestling, has banned the brand’s show from their airwaves. We are almost certain it has something to do with a recently aired Rob Van Dam segment.

Twitch has been a staple of airing programming from IMPACT Wrestling on their airwaves for years now, even during the dark ages where the only way to watch IMPACT was on the Pursuit Channel. If you are currently scratching your head trying to figure out exactly what the Pursuit Channel even is, then you also just realized why those were the dark ages.

Point is that when the show struggled to get a respectable airtime on a respectable station, fans could always depend on a Twitch livestream to help them catch up on their favorite wrestling show. Even when they got a television deal with the more accessible AXS TV, Twitch was still happy to serve as an alternative for those without Xfinity cable.

But now, it looks like those days are finally over as Twitch has effectively banned any and all IMPACT Wrestling content from its airwaves, per Streamerbans.

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A reason as to why they were banned has yet to be revealed, but we are almost 99.9% certain that it has something to do with this segment featuring Rob Van Dam, his girlfriend Katie Forbes, and his “girlfriend’s girlfriend” that IMPACT aired during last night’s episode.

WARNING: This is a very, very NSFW clip, so try not to open it in the workspace.

Yeah, we doubt that the airing of this clip and the banning of IMPACT from Twitch is a coincidence. Looks like the company’s attempt to be edgy or, perhaps, tongue in cheek has backfired and lost them a long time partner.

So, basically, IMPACT got banned by Twitch and it’s all RVD’s fault.

We will have to wait and see if this ban is permanent or if IMPACT can some how finagle their way into Twitch’s good graces again. We’ll provide updates as they present themselves.