3 main roster acts who should get a run in WWE NXT

WWE NXT is an opportunity to give main roster performers a bit of momentum and these are three acts that would benefit from the shift.
Monday Night RAW
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WWE NXT may be considered a developmental brand, but it has value to those who have main roster experience as well. Several top names from SmackDown and Monday Night Raw have made the jump to NXT. This run gives them an opportunity to do something different and create some new matchups. Looking at the current roster, here are three acts who would benefit from a run on Tuesday nights.

The Sky Pirates

IYO SKY and Kairi Sane are two of the best women’s wrestlers in the world. Their fans recognize this and they have the track records to support that stance. However, they are in a position on Monday Night Raw where they aren’t at the top of the card but are still used on a weekly basis. Both together and as individuals, SKY and Sane are championship-quality performers.

This would be a great time for them to make a jump back to NXT where they can work with women like Roxanne Perez, Giulia, Jadia Parker, and the incoming Stephanie Vaquer and DELTA. SKY and Sane are former champions, and they could have strong runs at the top of NXT for six months to a year.

Chelsea Green

Chelsea Green is another woman on the main roster who would benefit from a run in NXT. Green is an underrated performer who brings a lot to entertainment programs like WWE. Her character work is exceptional and she can survive in the ring with anyone standing across from her. Some of the women in NXT could stand to learn from her as a character and presence on television. Imagine Green being a foil to someone like Kelani Jordan. This would be an entertaining angle, and an opportunity for Green to secure some individual gold along the way.

Xavier Woods

It’s time for The New Day to do something new. The split between Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods seems to be coming, albeit slowly, it is coming. When the two men go their separate ways, this should be an opportunity for Woods to get an individual championship run. He and Kingston already experienced this once when they returned to win the tag team titles. NXT would be a great place for that to happen. Xavier Woods as NXT Champion? Yes, let’s get that in the queue.
