The Jade Cargill vs. Naomi storyline has been the juiciest on the road to WrestleMania 41 and has been significantly more engaging than the title feuds. In fact, it deserves an Oscar after Bianca Belair and Naomi performed the segment of the year to sell this storyline.
Naomi has been revealed as the mystery attacker of Jade Cargill. However, the footage of said attack was never actually shown. Since WWE is still four weeks away from Mania, there could still be more layers to this mystery. Considering the size difference and power disparities, it is hard to believe that a high flyer like Naomi slammed the powerhouse, Jade Cargill, into the windshield of a car all by herself that night. It would be more believable if Naomi actually had a muscle by her side to help her get that job done successfully. Jordynne Grace is the first woman to come to mind in that regard.
Jordynne Grace actually has plenty of TNA History with Naomi after Naomi departed WWE in 2023 with Sasha Banks (a.k.a. Mercedes Mone in AEW) to reestablish herself elsewhere. Naomi and Grace had absolute bangers in TNA for the World Title, and they had a ton of mutual respect for each other after the wars they went through. Now that they are both in the WWE, it's only a matter of time until they start working together. In fact, the first sign of this alliance was in Rumble 2025, where Naomi and Grace were hugging in a pleasant reunion and Bianca Belair pulled Grace away from Naomi.
Belair was actually the one who eliminated Grace in Rumble 2024 after Grace pulled on her braid. Belair gave Grace a receipt at this year's Rumble by pulling on Grace's hair to keep her way from her tag partner and friend, Naomi. Many fans would glance over this moment as nothing important, but it was perhaps a seed planted for this storyline. It was truly shocking to see Grace start her WWE career in NXT in the first place since she is so well-established. Due to her history with Naomi, Grace is a believable muscle to help Naomi take down Cargill as an impactful introduction to the main roster.
The best time to reveal the full footage and introduce Grace as a co-conspirator in this heinous attack would be at WrestleMania 41. As soon as Jade Cargill is about to win, the titantron should play to show the full footage of the attack and Grace will appear in a hoody to attack Cargill and help Naomi earn her WrestleMania Moment. Many fans just expect Jade to win and get her revenge in a one-off, but WWE should solidify Naomi's heel turn with a victory at Mania and stretch this feud out in a trilogy, in which Cargill can inevitably win the feud in the summer with two more PPV victories.
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