WWE Raw Preview: Ready for Ho Ho Hogan? John Cena, Royal Rumble Hype, & More


Tonight’s episode of Monday Night Raw may be one to forget with so much time before the Royal Rumble pay-per-view.

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Tonight will feature another episode of Monday Night Raw, which seems to be the Christmas episode of it, based on the announced presence of “Ho Ho Hogan” for the show. Doesn’t that just make you want to tune in immediately?

It’s pretty safe to assume that this will be an episode of Monday Night Raw to forget. We’re over a month away from the Royal Rumble with four more episodes of WWE’s flagship show after tomorrow night, so expect Creative to “mail it in” and make this a show to forget.

As mentioned above, “Ho Ho Hogan” will be making an appearance tonight. What kind of segment they have planned for one of WWE’s greatest legends is beyond me. It’s likely going to be something that makes the WWE Universe cringe, especially if they put him in a Santa Claus suit. If WWE makes this an entertaining segment, I will be stunned.

Then there’s the Roman Reigns-Big Show feud, which seems to be being built for the Royal Rumble match. There actually seems to be some real animosity between the two, based on the heated exchange they had after Reigns hit Show last week. This is something that isn’t going to excite fans, but with the mini-push that Show has been getting, it’s supposed to be making Reigns look better since he’s going to go over him. We’ll see how much of an impact it makes when the Rumble comes around on January 25.

Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose should also be a highlight of tonight’s Raw. This has been a feud full of promos, brawling and weapons and the excitement should continue as long as Creative keeps giving them something good to do.

An interesting feud that’s been developing has been Ryback vs. Rusev for the United States Championship. It’s the Bulgarian Brute’s toughest (and most entertaining) rival since he came to the main roster. While it’s unlikely that the Big Guy gives Rusev his first real loss, the latter has to lose at some point, especially since he’s going to quickly outgrow the US title. It could happen at WrestleMania 31 if WWE feels that they need John Cena to “bring somebody back down to earth” like they did with Wyatt at WrestleMania XXX.

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Speaking of Cena, he is set to face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble PPV. However, with Lesnar not scheduled to be at Raw, expect the WWE WHC talk to be minimal, as it always is when the Beast Incarnate is not around. Cena may come out to address it at some point, but don’t expect a grand segment to hype their match with so much time remaining before the show.

With all of this in mind, are you looking forward to Raw tonight?