The Royal Rumble is Coming Soon


More from Brock Lesnar

With the Royal Rumble only a few weeks away, it’s time to look at a few things I think will (or should) happen as the journey on the Road to WrestleMania officially begins!

One of WWE’s biggest PPV’s of the year always springs up a few surprises and there’s so much I’d personally like to see happen in the 2015 event. Here’s my thoughts on the Rumble and the WWE title match.

Starting outside the actual Royal Rumble match itself, we have the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. It’s been a long time since Brock Lesnar won that belt. We have not seen him much since winning it though and I think it’s time that John Cena got his hands on the belt for a while, not a long time though.

Cena should win the belt in a tough match with Brock to finish their 1 on 1 feud. As soon as the three is counted, we should hear Seth Rollins’ music hit and the former Shield man cashes in his MITB case to beat Cena for the title. I can’t believe Seth as a man to beat Lesnar but he needs to have that belt in my opinion. A way of getting around that is having Cena as the middle man.

That could then build to a feud between the three men, and the possibility of throwing in the Rumble winner to give us a four way feud leading to Mania. A four man main event on the grandest stage of them all.

Speaking of the Rumble winner, lets look at that.

It’s been a long time thought that Roman Reigns would easily be the winner of the match, which would lead to a match with Lesnar at WrestleMania. But, and that’s a big but, it seems that the company may be going a little cold on that idea.

Since his return, Reigns has been somewhat underwhelming. He’s solid in the ring but has struggled on the promo side of the business and it seems a large section of fans are more behind his former Shield-mates Rollins and Ambrose. It seems that his absence because of injury has harmed him more than anyone thought possible.

It is possible that he could still be the last man standing, and no doubt Vince will change his mind many times before the match actually happens, but for me, it’d be a bit of a let down if Reigns did win.

Is it time for a surprise winner? Someone really unexpected?

Other men with a chance could be…

Bray Wyatt, what better way to build him for a big feud with Undertaker.

Dean Ambrose, possibly the most over man in the company a couple of months back.

How about the returning Daniel Bryan?

Or Bad News Barrett?

Dolph Ziggler?

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Or the man who seems to have been pushed into the limelight for the wrong reason, Cesaro?

Since Vince McMahon appeared on Stone Colds podcast and said he doesn’t connect with the crowd, that he’s missing that “IT” factor with the WWE Universe, what better way to prove that wrong than to give him the biggest win of his WWE career?

I can’t honestly see that happening but I’d love it if Cesaro was given the opportunity to mix with the top men on the card. He is possibly the best natural athlete and wrestler on the roster and is more than capable of hanging with the big boys.

There’s so much that could happen but I get a feeling it’ll still be Roman Reigns standing tall at end of the match, rightly or wrongly, Vince will do what he thinks is best for business.