WrestleMania Series: One Year Later, Was Brock Lesnar the Correct Choice to End The Undertaker’s Streak?


One Year Later, Was Brock Lesnar the Correct Choice to End The Undertaker’s Streak?

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With WrestleMania 31 taking place in 22 days, there will be a lot of topics up for debate. Some of them for this year and ones that are still being discussed from last year.

This topic up for debate will be on an issue from last year’s WrestleMania: was it the correct call for Brock Lesnar to end The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak?

Check out what we had to say below!

Evan’s Take: Brock Lesnar was absolutely the right choice to beat the Undertaker. Without that win, Brock would not have been catapulted to the uber-heel he is now. He has had probably the best run as a part-time WWE champion, dismantling Cena on multiple occasions and is now built up as the perfect monster for new main even star Roman Reigns to overcome. Some could say that Paul Heyman has been the main reason for the success of Lesnar as WWE champion, but without the ammunition of being “the 1 in 21-1”, Heyman’s promos would not have been nearly as effective. While some may also say that the honor of ending such a streak should have been given to someone who “needs” the push, I say otherwise. It works even better because Brock didn’t need it. Instead he dominated and took it. It turned him from another part time performer to the most monstrous heel in the WWE with one match. It was a stroke of genius by WWE creative, and definitely the right decision.

Sherron’s Take: I don’t think Brock should’ve been the one to end the streak, due to the fact he ended up being a part timer the rest of the way. When Brock got the victory, I figured we would see him a lot more than we did. Yes he destroyed John Cena to win the WWE Championship not to long after defeating the deadman but if this is the last time we see Lesnar in a WWE ring after WrestleMania then Brock ending the streak holds no value. I would have much rather seen The New Face OF Fear Bray Wyatt end the streak this year because it would’ve did more for his career longterm than it ever would’ve done for Lesnar.

Callum’s Take: This is a considerably complex question to answer. As soon as this feud was announced for WrestleMania 30, Brock Lesnar winning was the correct decision. In the past twelve months he has left a streak of destruction and has created an impression that he is superhuman, which will prove useful when Lesnar eventually drops his title to the likely Roman Reigns. And I’m also of the body of people that believe that Undertaker’s Streak should have been broken before he retired. But in the circumstances, this was 100% the wrong choice of opponent.

The rivalry leading up to WrestleMania was horrid, making Lesnar look decidedly weak heading into the event, and very little face-to-face interaction. The match was dreadful, as their styles did not mesh well enough and an already aged Undertaker was concussed in the early going. And above all else, Lesnar had enough of a reputation and standing that he didn’t need this victory. He didn’t really get any rub off of it, and it fact earned more credit for his dominant victory over John Cena at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship.

In my opinion, Bray Wyatt should have been the man to end the Undertaker’s Streak this year. If the Phenom had been thrown into some match with Kane and won, leading into this event Wyatt has built up just enough intrigue to make a victory viable. Don’t get me wrong, his ringwork on the whole isn’t the most stellar, but considering the quality of Undertaker/Lesnar last year it could hardly be much worse. If Wyatt had been the one to break the Streak, he could have carried the mantel as the next “Phenom” for over a decade, and slotted into Undertaker’s role when he finally hangs up his boots.

That would have made far more sense from a booking perspective and building the reputation of an up-and-coming star. As for Lesnar, he would have likely won the WWE Championship regardless of his win over Undertaker, and will take any momentum gained from it to the UFC. That decision has proved an utterly useless venture by the company, and Wyatt would have made so much more use out of it.

Rob’s Take: After this happened at WrestleMania 30, I liked the fact that they were going to build up Brock Lesnar as this unstoppable monster. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Lesnar shouldn’t have been the one in 21-1.

Like Callum said above, Bray Wyatt should have been the one to end The Undertaker’s streak. I would have done that at last year’s WrestleMania, though. The victory would have turned Wyatt into an unstoppable force and a possible WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This also would have boosted a young talent for WWE, as it is well known that they need to build for the future. Why WWE didn’t take advantage of that is strange.

If Wyatt wins at WrestleMania 31, it will still give his character a big rub, it just wouldn’t be what it could have been last year.

Do you think Brock Lesnar was the correct choice to end The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak?

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