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Roman Reigns’ “I Can. I Will.” T-Shirt is Worth a Thousand Words


Roman Reigns’ new “I Can. I Will.” t-shirt has plenty of meaning to it.

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A couple of weeks ago, when Roman Reigns said “I can” when referring to if he can defeat Brock Lesnar or not. This was no coincidence, as WWE soon put out an “I Can. I Will.” t-shirt for Reigns.

For months, fans have known that WWE sees Reigns as “the next big thing” to carry the company. WWE loves his look and physique. They feel it can be the face of their promotion. However, the fans see a different side here. They see that Reigns is not one of the better wrestlers on the roster, he is not one of the better talkers and he is being manufactured into a star by WWE. They see a very similar process that was done with John Cena about a decade ago. This process has a chance of culminating at WrestleMania 31, when Reigns will face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Yesterday, we heard the rumor of Lesnar being “pushed” by Triple H to win and keep his title at WrestleMania. This was rumored to be because The Game does not like the crowd reactions that Reigns is receiving. However, with the “I Can. I Will.” t-shirt, that alone seems to be the rumor killer for this story.

The question here is if Reigns was not going to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, why would WWE make a t-shirt with this catch-phrase? Why would this t-shirt only have a 3-week lifespan?

Yes, this t-shirt is going to make money with the Reigns supporters. They will go online to WWE Shop and give the company their $24.99 (plus $6.99 shipping and handling). However, WWE would not just try to capitalize on this for just 3 weeks. Quite frankly, that is bad business.

In business, there is always a plan to set up for the long-term. With WWE putting out this t-shirt for Reigns, they are likely setting up the plan for the long haul. Similar to what did they with Cena, they will look to put out plenty of merchandise for Reigns to push him (this is his third shirt since The Shield split). WWE wants Reigns to become the main money-maker and will seemingly do whatever it takes to make it happen. Part one is by building up his merchandise and part two may be winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. While others have had this before, the ascension for Reigns has been quicker than all of them.

If Roman Reigns wins at WrestleMania 31, “I Can. I Will.” will become a catch phrase that will stick with him. It will be used when he has to overcome the odds in storylines. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

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