Havok Comments On TNA Pay Rumors


TNA Knockout Havok has come out in defense of her company with regards to recent stories of missed payments, and criticizes fans that look to bury other wrestling companies.

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With all the recent negative press surrounding TNA and failed payments to members of their staff, one of their current employees have come out to vehemently defend the company.

TNA Knockout Havok, a former champion, was rumored to have been released from her contract due to her lack of television time in recent months. However, not only is Havok still a member of the roster, but she has had nothing but positives to say about TNA, with regards to payments and their treatment of their employees.

Havok first addressed that TNA had done nothing but good for her career, allowing her to perform in front of a larger audience, increase her fan base, and inspire a lot of women looking to get into the wrestling business. She points out that she is entitled to defend the company that she works for, in spite of the negative reception some of her tweets in this vein has attracted from wrestling fans.

Havok then discussed the issues with payment that has been the main matter for TNA in the media, and states she has not endured such problems:

"As far as my pay, i have never been screwed over by them. They have always paid me exactly what I am suppose to, so again. Do NOT run your mouth about something you know NOTHING about. I am going out of my way to prove a point, they didn’t ask me to do this, they have no idea that i am putting it out there. This, again, is an example of me defending the company that has been good to me from the beginning. It isn’t fair. Do NOT get me wrong, fans , you are entitled to your opinions, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, like contracts, paychecks, booking, etc… When was that ever your business to begin with? It isn’t? are you wrestling? No."

Havok then used this opportunity to call out wrestling fans, specifically in WWE and TNA, that seek to bury the other company at every possible opportunity. She said that she watches wrestling from all sources, be it from WWE, TNA or the independent scene. Whilst she supports that wrestling fans are entitled to dislike aspects of shows and creative decisions, they would enjoy themselves more if they leave these petty grievances aside. Havok wants all fans to just support wrestling in general, and find a positive that they can enjoy and not show hatred towards another brand.

All in all, this was a passionate, well-written and superbly argued piece by Havok, and is just the tonic TNA could use at this difficult time for them. I would like to congratulate her attitude and passion for wrestling of all forms, and hope that she will soon be bringing that fire back to TNA television in the coming months.

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