WWE MSG Results: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena (Video)


Madison Square Garden saw John Cena defend his U.S. Championship against WWE Champion Seth Rollins in a steel cage! Find out the results here from the WWE MSG event.

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The cage is lowered, and both men are ready! The crowd seems to be on Rollins’ side, but that could just be the usual Cena hate. The two lock up, and it’s a stalemate. Cena with a wrenching side headlock, Rollins trying to fight his way out of it by getting back up to his feet. ROllins with a hard shot to Cena’s gut, then slams him into the cage. First use of the steel!  Again Rollins slams Cena into the steel!

Rollins with hard kicks and punches, followed by a big clothesline in the corner. He goes for the pin and gets a two-count. Rollins already looking frustrated. Cena quickly stops Rollins from exiting the cage door, mounts a few punches only to catch a hard boot to the face by Rollins! Now Rollins is climbing up the cage, only to get caught by Cena. Both men on the top rope…Cena bulldogs him to the mat!  Now Cena’s making his way up the cage, quickly caught by Rollins who knocks him back down. Rollins nails him with the flying knee right to the temple!

Cena’s down and Rollins is thinking “exit”. But while he climbs the cage Cena crawls for the door. Rollins drags him back in and pounds him to the head. Cena’s in trouble, and the crowd is split. “Let’s go Cena…Cena sucks”!

Cena comes back with a dropkick out of nowhere, and once again begins climbing the cage. Rollins stops him, nails him with the slingblade! Nice spot right there. Rollins getting nasty now, raking Cena’s face into the steel while screaming “I’m the new face of the WWE”! Rollins tried to climb the cage but Cena caught him with the electric chair. Pin…1…2…and Rollins kicks out.

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  • Cena’s going to the top turnbuckle, and once again he’s caught by Rollins. Now both men are on the turnbuckle exchanging blows. Rollins is reeling, Cena rams his head into the steel cage, dropping him to the mat. Cena went for the diving leg drop but Rollins reversed it into a powerbomb! Another pin and a two-count! Rollins rams Cena face first into the cage one more time. Rollins went to ram Cena into cage again but Cena reversed it!

    Now both men are down and slow to get up. Rollins tries for a clothesline, and here comes Cena with a series of shoulder blocks, followed by a back drop. Five Knuckle Shuffle? No! Rollins reverses it and nails Cena with a flip kick. Both men are battling now on the top turnbuckle, only for Rollins to hit Cena with a gorgeous superplex, rolling over into a second sit-out suplex and a pin for the two-count! “This is awesome” chants from the crowd as both men are exhausted.

    Rollins climbing the cage…he’s at the top! His feet are over, but suddenly Cena hops up and grabs Rollins by the hair before he can drop to the floor! Both men are battling at the top of the cage, the crowd counting along with each strike! Cena knocks Rollins down and hits a tornado DDT! 1…2…Rollins kicks out!

    Cena’s right by the door, waving off the referee who tried to open it. Rollins up, leaps to the top of the cage and kicks the door into Cena’s head! Rollins is on the way down…he’s close…but Cena catches him once more, goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Rollins lands on his feet and superkicks him down! Great spot! Cena kicks out strong from the pin attempt.  Rollins suddenly caught in the STF! He’s right in the middle of the ring! Rollins reversed it into a crossface of his own. Cena’s standing up, carrying Rollins on his back.  Rollins slips down and…low blow! It’s a no-DQ match so it’s all legal. Rollins climbing the cage to take advantage, he’s at the top while Cena is still down.

    Suddenly Kane’s music hits! The demon Kane is here! Does he drop down or save himself by staying in the cage? Rollins goes for a frog splash on Cena and misses, Cena hits him with the A.A.! 1…2…3! Cena wins!

    After the match Kane got in the ring and chokeslammed Rollins straight to Hell. He then drilled him with a tombstone piledriver and made it clear he wants the WWE Championship!

    Travis’ Thoughts: The match started off slow but picked up steam later on. Rollins is just amazing in the ring, his athletic ability is unparalleled and he has great chemistry with Cena. The superplex spot was terrific, while the frog splash looked great before he crashed and burned. If I had a complaint it’s that there were too many “climb the cage” spots that slowed the action.

    You can follow Rob Wolkenbrod on Twitter @RealRobWolkey. If you would like to send a report from a live event, email us at robert.wolkenbrod@gmail.com.

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