Stone Cold Podcast with Brock Lesnar Live Recap

Follow along with our recap of last night’s Stone Cold Podcast with guest Brock Lesnar.

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The heavily popular Stone Cold Podcast, hosted by Steve Austin, returns to the WWE Network live tonight. Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion and next week’s WWE Hell in a Cell main-eventer, Brock Lesnar, will be the guest.

You can check out recaps of previous Stone Cold Podcasts below:

Stone Cold Podcast with Edge and Christian Recap
Stone Cold Podcast with Paige Recap

Stone Cold Podcast with Paul Heyman Recap

Reaction to Triple H’s Appearance on Stone Cold Podcast
Full Stone Cold Podcast with Vince McMahon

ALSO ON DAILY DDT: WWE Night of Champions: 10 Best Matches

Every episode of the Stone Cold Podcast has been controversial or must-see TV in its own way.

The first airing with Vince McMahon touched on topics like the use of Brock Lesnar, WrestleMania, etc. One of the biggest may have been with Cesaro, who McMahon said doesn’t have the “It Factor.”

The second airing with Triple H brought up his past with Chyna. This led to her firing back in an interview with Vince Russo.

An airing a few months ago with Paul Heyman brought on controversy towards the end. Heyman and Austin began cutting promos on each other to hypothetically set up an Austin vs. Brock Lesnar match at WrestleMania 32. However, both men would deny this days later.

Then there was Paige, who showed off her fascination with Austin.

Edge and Christian were the most recent guests. They provided some laughs and told stories with Austin.

With Brock Lesnar being tonight’s guest, there will likely be controversy. What will he discuss with Austin? Will the WrestleMania 32 rumors be mentioned?

Begin following along with our live coverage of the Stone Cold Podcast at 11:05 PM ET.

Stone Cold started off the podcast by saying that he knew Lesnar since 2002, and said that when he was an All-American in Minnesota he knew he was a badass. Lesnar backed that up by stating that he does not get well with others. He said that since he was a kid, he beat up other kids and picking on other kids. Lesnar said if he was not a professional wrestler he would have no idea what he would be doing because of his passion for the sports.

Lesnar said that growing up on a farm was hard work, and that if he could make it on a farm he could make it anywhere. He said no matter what the conditions were you had to go out and milk the cows, and if the cows were not producing, you would not make money.

Stone Cold mentioned about Lesnar being a part timer, which brought up about deer hunting. They got on the topic off going hunting and being fishers. That conversation of being an outdoosman led to the topic of Lesnar being a Dodge guy.

Lesnar said that is go to caliber to hunt big game was a 300 Remington mag and his go to scope was leica.

Steve Austin said that he was a big fan of Mexican food, which Lesnar said his favorite food was steak. He said that he lives secluded from his neighbors, enjoys a cold beer, and grills on a charcoal grill. Lesnar’s favorite drink is rye whiskey and Coors light beer.

Lesnar is a hardcore Country music fan of Willey Nelson, Johnny Cash as well as hardcore music like Metallica and ACDC. He also enjoys up and coming Country music stars like Coulton Wall from Saskatchewan, which is what he has playing in is truck.

Stone Cold asked him if he was a pro wrestling or sports entertainer, which Lesnar responded he was an entertainer and he “puts asses in the seats.” Growing up Lesnar was not a fan of pro wrestling, but instead was a fan of Little House on the Prairie. Growing up he only had two channels, which only worked half the time.

Lesnar said he excelled at football, and excelled at all positions he played from defensive line to running back, all though he enjoyed the single aspects of wrestling. When he made the jump from WWE to NFL he was a fish out of water, put did not quit, but was the last man cut from the Minnesota Vikings.

Lesnar says that he’s humble everyday, if it’s not by his kids, it is from working with his hands or after killing a deer. He was humble everyday of his life, especially growing up on a farm. When he was at the University of Minnesota, he did not think the football players were tough, but realized he was wrong when he went to the NFL.

Lesnar said he was not highly recruited to college because he was not a true heavyweight. But after going to two junior colleges, he was recruited to the University of Minnesota, but he was 24 credits shy. He had to go to a community college to finish in California. He had to use his aunt’s address so that he could get into the college. Though he never got a degree from University of Minnesota.

When Lesnar won the NCAA title, he quit school and fell into depression. He was heavily recruited by WWE and a few NFL teams. During his time off, he worked out and hibernated. His options were to either be an Olympic wrestler, pro wrestler, or go to the NFL. He wanted to get off the farm so bad that he wanted to go to the National Guard just to get off the farm.

Going into OVW with John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton, Lesnar’s first thoughts were that he was mainly blown away by the training facility the way that it reminded it of home because it was barbaric. When he signed with the company, he had prior commitments, it should the company if he had commitments he would follow commitments. Jim Ross got Lesnar connected with several wrestlers, such as Curt Hennig, to get Lesnar connected with the business.

Stone Cold said that Curt Hennig and Big Boss Man gravitated towards Lesnar. Lesnar started traveling with those guys, and he would ask questions to get acquainted with the business. He said that he started off riding with Kane and Undertaker, and eventually rode with Hennig and Boss Man.

Lesnar said that he was in a triple threat match with the Rock and Triple H, and that they left Lesnar out of the loop on purpose, either he will sink or swim. Lesnar mentioned that Dwayne taught Lesnar to be selfish, and mentioned that he won his first championship from the Rock.

Lesnar mentioned that the business was intriguing at first. Lesnar said that he did not really change, he got rougher around the edges and does not like people. He does not like being around people, but can be in an area with people. He is not anti-social or has a phobia, but he just does not like people.

Stone Cold bring up the shooting star press at WrestleMania 19. Stone Cold said it hurts just to watch the replay. He was not being selfish during the move, but he was talked into doing the star press. He was told that it would have been a WrestleMania moment, even though he mentions he was young and stupid.

Stone Cold brings up WrestleMania 20, Lesnar vs. Goldberg, the match before they both left the company. Lesnar mentions that he did not care about the company at the time, he was just tired of the people. He felt that he was trapped inside the company with the people in the company. He said he was to be in the ring, but not ring to ring.

Lesnar said that his time in the NFL was a scapegoat, he did not want to be a football player.

Lesnar mentioned that while he was in Japan, they wanted him to fight in MMA in Japan. He fought his first fight in the LA Colosseum. When he contacted Dana White to join UFC, White did not take him seriously. After a heavyweight fight, Lesnar jumped security railing and grabbed Dana by the shoulder. They had a meeting and signed Lesnar to a one fight contract.

Lesnar said that he was disgusted with himself after losing his first fight to submission, stating that he had been practicing the entire off season to break out of the hold.

Brock mentioned that after the fight, Dana White was smiling and jumping, stating that his MMA career was not over and signed a new deal. Lesnar says that when you get in the octagan, you do not want to fight off aggression, you want to be calm.

Lesnar said that he was thankful for Dana to give him the oppurtunity to fight Randy Coutore for the heavyweight championship. He then mentions that if it were not for diverticulitis he would not have returned to WWE. He almost fell out of his tree stand, in Canada, and almost died. He said if he had not went to the hospital, he would have never found out about the diverticulitis. He said that the doctor was going to save his life over career. Lesnar said that he would have to have been cut open if he did not break his fever.

When Stone Cold walked out of Lesnar, Lesnar had no hard feelings, and said that he would rather do that in a main event later down the road.

The difference between Dana White and Vince McMahon is the ego.

Lesnar said that when he resigned with the WWE, he was not bluffing and he felt cheated by diverticulitis. He said that he felt that something was missing, and started training in the octagon.

Stone Cold said he loved the promos in UFC, but Lesnar says he is  not good at promos in WWE. Lesnar says that he and Paul Heyman are made for each other. Lesnar says that he actions speak for himself, but Heyman has the words for Lesnar. Lesnar says that interviews after a fight are different from cutting a promo after a match.

Lesnar was asked about his relationship with other superstars, and says that he is not a people person, but that he is upfront with Vince McMahon. Lesnar mentioned that he does not enjoy the politics of the business.

Stone Cold mentioned about breaking the Undertaker’s streak. Lesnar mentioned that being that the streak was so protected that it was special, that it was better than winning a WWE Heavyweight Championship.

The common misconception about Lesnar, Lesnar does not care. Lesnar does not care about what other people think about him. He mentioned that he is generally nice to people, unless the cross a certain line.

Stone Cold mentioned about Lesnar’s background, and asked him about how much gas he has left in tank. Lesnar answered by stating that he knows a general time, but will not share that with Stone Cold.

If Lesnar were to tell a rookie, make sure that the WWE is want you want to do, make sure and you know the business. Lesnar mentions that you need to be a hard worker, and do not except everything handed to you.

Lesnar says that he is prepared, says that there will be a lot carnage and is irritated with Taker. Lesnar mentions that he does not feel right about how the match ended at Summerslam. Stone Cold closes out the podcast by saying that Lesnar and Taker are going to do damage at Hell in a Cell on Sunday.

Next: WWE Raw Live Review

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