Kurt Angle Reveals His Dream Retirement Match Opponent


Kurt Angle’s legendary career may be drawing to a close, and he knows exactly the WWE superstar he wants to face before he retires. 

What does the future hold for 13-Time World Champion Kurt Angle? The legendary superstar and Olympian has been on the shelf with injuries for a few months, and put his professional wrestling career on hiatus back in September. Recently he signed on with Bellator MMA, but currently he’s in the U.K. on a series of Q&As called “The Golden Tour”, which sounds a lot like a curtain call for a retiring superstar.

If Angle really is hanging up his boots, he knows exactly who he wants his final match to be against: Daniel Bryan. Speaking with Cult of Whatever, Angle revealed he would love to get his hands on Bryan in the future.

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"“Oh gosh, if I had to pick one guy to wrestle to end my career with it would be Daniel Bryan. I think Daniel is an amazing wrestler and I know him and I would be able to have an incredible match similar to what Shawn Michaels and I did at WrestleMania 21. He is an extraordinary talent especially in the ring, they don’t get much better than him – he is the one I would like to get my hands on somewhere, sometime I would love that match.”"

A match between Angle and Bryan would be a dream come true for fans of pure, technical wrestling as many have compared their styles to one another in the past. But it’s a style that is grueling on the body, and Angle, who has suffered from numerous neck injuries, recognizes the toll it has also taken on the oft-injured Bryan.

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"“Daniel Bryan has his style of wrestling and he’s his own worst enemy. When he goes out to the ring he puts everything on the line especially his body. When you’re a wrestler you are not meant to be harming yourself but Daniel Bryan seems to be doing harm to himself whether he’s doing an offensive move or if someone is doing a move on him. Daniel is always bumping, his high running knee he takes a bump, when his flying through the ropes he’s taking a bump but that’s his style and he’s not going to change the way he wrestles, he’s going to wrestle like that until the day he retires. I just hope he gets another chance to get back in the ring and finish his career the way he wants to before he retires.”"

Angle’s contract with TNA officially runs out in January, and he’s leaving his options open from there. Could a return to the WWE for a possible showdown with Bryan be in the cards? WWE hasn’t expressed any real interest in bringing him back, but given their willingness to sign others to “Legends” contracts the chances are real; they’re damn real.

Next: Will Kurt Angle Return to WWE?

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