WWE Royal Rumble 2016: Bray Wyatt Should Win the Rumble Match


Bray Wyatt as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion? It would work.

The Royal Rumble match this year has had another level of intrigue added to it: The WWE World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. Roman Reigns will have to defend his title against 29 other men in the Rumble main event.

Is this another chance for Reigns to prove his “One versus All” motto to be true? He seems to think so.

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The better plan would be to put the title on another person. Reigns’ main feud for Wrestlemania should probably be HHH. Him and Triple H have been butting heads for a while now, and a match at “The Show of Shows,” maybe with The Rock in Roman Reigns’ corner, would be a big draw.

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The best person to put the title on for WrestleMania season? Bray Wyatt.

“But wait,” you say. “Bray Wyatt has no momentum! He has lost most of the major feuds he’s been in, and WWE seems set to squander his talents.”

While those statements are true, WWE seems intent on pushing Wyatt and his followers heading into the Royal Rumble. The Wyatts demolished the ECW originals at TLC, giving them a little momentum. However it has been since the build to the Rumble started that they four person group has been pushed extremely hard.

Each week, Bray Wyatt brings his followers, and his followers bring destruction. They don’t care if you’re face or heel, they just want to destroy. Everyone.

This week the targets were Ryback and Big Show.

The Wyatt Family, and Bray in particular have promised big things from the Royal Rumble.

With the match now being for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, it is the right time to pull the trigger on Wyatt as champion. He has never tasted championship gold, and by having the richest prize in the company would establish him as the top (or second-to-Kevin-Owens) heel on the roster.

He has the in-ring ability. He can command attention with his promos. And he has three gigantic human beings who are willing to do his bidding for him.

WWE fans think it may be time to give Wyatt a run with the title as well.

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Wyatt could keep the belt for a big, dramatic babyface victory at WrestleMania. Let’s put Dean Ambrose in that slot.

Ambrose and Wyatt had some of the best matches of 2014, and Ambrose never really got his revenge (boot camp themed street fights don’t count). Ambrose could lose the Intercontinental Championship to someone down the line (like Kevin Owens) and then shift his attention to The Eater of Worlds.

Reigns is free to challenge Triple H, Brock Lesnar-Kevin Owens can still happen to please every single internet fan, and Ambrose-Wyatt can be the battle for the title. Oh, and John Cena can finally face the Undertaker.

Related Story: Bray Wyatt Posts Royal Rumble Teaser

If WWE wants to embrace a new age of stars, they need to keep putting the belt on fresh people. Let Wyatt win the Rumble and give him the credibility he needs to be a main-eventer for years to come.

Would this be too crazy? Don’t think Wyatt is ready? Let us know in the comments below.