WWE WrestleMania 33: What Lies Ahead for AJ Styles in Shane McMahon Feud?


AJ Styles looks set to face Shane McMahon at WrestleMania. What is his role in this feud? What can he get away with?

After failing to go over the final hurdle on his quest to be in the main event of WrestleMania, AJ Styles now looks set to face Shane McMahon at the show of shows unless there is a major change in plans. A frustrated Styles would vent out his frustration out on Shane McMahon in the back. He would come off as intense and captivating. This could perhaps be the best version of the Phenomenal One we have seen so far in the WWE.

Styles thrived as a bragging heel on SmackDown. He seems poised to outshine that character with his new-found edge and issues with the authority. However, it would be best to keep his rantings as far away from Daniel Bryan as possible. If Styles were to go up against Bryan even in the slightest he would clearly be seen as a legit heel on par with the Miz. However, opposite Shane McMahon, Styles would feel like an anti-hero. If done well, this feud could take him to Stone Cold-like proportions.

As much as Styles would be portrayed as a heel, fans can’t help but feel for him. The phenomenal one first won a battle royale, or at least half of it. Then he won a deciding number one contender’s match twice on the same night. Despite having proved himself twice in two weeks, Styles would get put to the test one final time. Moreover, that would come at the expense of Randy Orton who had previously relinquished his rights to the main event of WrestleMania.

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If Styles were to suddenly announce that the authority figure(s) on SmackDown is intentionally trying to keep him away from the main event and the WWE title, there would be nothing illogical about it. A statement like that from Styles would divide the audience and split their hairs. It is the kind of storytelling WWE doesn’t use often. Be that as it may, Styles vs Shane could be one of the most polarizing battles on the entire card.

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The feeling that Styles has been robbed of something he deserved would set the stage for this feud. Styles could clearly not be the heel here. Moreover, as creative has it, Shane is definitely a face. That would leave the phenomenal one as an anti-hero at best. That is the kind of character that would suit him the best. Styles would thrive as the revolutionary figure who can stand up against any authority because he is indeed that damn good.

Now obviously, the question must be asked – what does Styles have in store. What would the phenomenal one be rewarded with should he face and overcome McMahon? Logically, Bryan and Shane would have to agree to give him his shot at the title. However, they had also robbed him of his opportunity to be in the main event. To break away from all the kayfabe, Styles is almost 40 years old. Time is running out for him to create a WrestleMania classic.

If I were calling the shots, I would reward Styles with a contract. A contract that would give the Phenomenal one the right to a WWE title match at any time and place of his convenience. In fact, Styles would get all the powers that would come along with a Money in the Bank contract. Setting such high stakes would make this match even more meaningful.

Next: Pros and Cons of AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

Knowing AJ Styles as the in-ring master he is, the WrestleMania match would bring out the best in Shane. He would pull off at least one eye-catching high-risk spot. Styles would fill the match with insane moves and tell a story. A reward of such high stakes would lend even more credibility to this match. It would give the fans one more reason to actually want to see this. Unless this feud ends in something good for the former NJPW star, it would be a true waste of talent.